
Are there movies similar to : Jumper,Wanted or Hancock? The ones where people have talents...?

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  1.       Grandma"s ,  

          I feel for You good  man . but talent went out , when Food Stamps

          come in ..

          does that seem about right ..

          The same went with good music .. Except , a little  here , and

          there .... Movies as well , where there is still  some talent , there is

          a gob of animated manure ..

          If talent is what counts  for music , and

          Movies ..  We better get down on our Knees , and ask God for

          it ..

          I too would like to see something Great , the two of us may need ,

          to sign up for special missions in the Greatest heat out there  

          and  plead for front row tickets , Or do it simply our selves !!

          I would  rather die than to put up with the lyes that the military has put on me this long , and the retarded continue us same old manure that they have been doing since I have gotten out , I was there for the military (USA) , and would rather be in a Country that straight up lies to me.. For now that i have found out what I know now I may as well be fighten for some little Country that are disiplined enough to take out 500 to 1  such as King David did compared to King Saul , Anointed or not .. .. Here ,they hide behind phones as well walls, or some other chicken S ed things .. WM ..

          As far as I am conserned America , and many Americans are not didly ask BB king ..and Other Men, that have any backbone at ALL ..It would be better we smoked the Pot, than America go to Pot , but now You may as well say they are Going to Meth , as well Methaine .. they sure smell like it ..

    My Pride for the Lower USA , and maybe now even Alaska Has made me not even care .. The parible of the Good Samaritan was asked by a Lawyer ...,"who is our Freinds"?? tThen Lord ,In Luke 10: verse 27-\*29--37* the two key verses in (** stared)  the Lord gave the answer of a Friend , to the Lawyer.. Then said go and do "LikeWise" .. Our Neighbor is he that showed /shows Mercy .. God Bless You .. Wm .. Two men and a truck was swindled  from me, Mary Ellen Sheets Lied ..  And the one friend that had been there as well must got paid off .. Mary will have to deaal with God soon if she isn"t sleeping good now , or not her day is soon , Onee may for give , but pentence is still owed .. she better start , ,  Im sorry , this is not Your problem .. The military has my charactor looken as  too the way  A bunch more are trying to play me too .. It is going to be me to whom they will have to come to some day .. Is not that how things end up !! Watch an old movie called "The inspeactor General" by danny kayes I believe his name was ..                                                                                                                                                                                                

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