
Are there murderers in the Ramadan Section?

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I'm really not trying to be inflammatory here, I would just like to phrase things in a way that I hope will make some people think.

I need clarification on some of the answers to this question:;_ylt=AtdzGE0NS1Vc3f_UgdI3JY7sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080806061022AABZmEu&show=7#profile-info-4jiKSkPEaa

The question asked is "Without swearing, can the wahabis please explain to me why they hate s**+'ites and are happy to kill them?" The question is not "Why do you hate Shia?"

Several of you have come and answered with all the reasons you hate Shia. Therefore, are we to understand that by providing so-called justification for your hatred, that you are justifying why you are "happy to kill them?"

Should I now run screaming from Y!A because I fear that all of those who have answered this question believe that they are justified, no, even "happy" in killing other Muslims?




  1. Any one Who hates the Companian of Our Beloved Prophet PBUH Will only get Hate from Our Side !

    Anyone who abuses our Prophets Wife  only deserve our Hate !

  2. yes

  3. a Muslim living in America, I really haven't been exposed to that hatred but it really is sad! :(

  4. there are only opinions in that question, why should you run screaming?

    Shia also abuse Sunnis, it is something ordinary here.

  5. Hating is not the same thing as killing. Although it's all bad.

    Nobody should put up with any Muslims threatening or insulting other Muslims. REPORT them. Keep Y!A safe.

    Calling someone who believes in Quran a non-Muslim is not only haram it's also often used as incitement to murder.

    If you want real murderers, though, check out the Miltary section. It's spooky.

  6. read my answer carefully...

    shias in their religion they have to kill us..

    Muslims can't kill shias and it's not allowed in Islam..

    i provide evidence and sources that shias belive and say to kill Muslims

    and i challenged him to bring me something from Islam said to kill shias...

    and the asker send me a msg and he doesn't know who are wahabis he told that he is talking about al qaeda so i think he missed up the word and if he was talking about al qaeda they are killing shias Muslims and other people they are terrorists..

    so i gave him a link

    and btw

    shias who hate us their religion who started hate

    and their religion who is about hate ...

    again read my answer ..

    btw there is big big huge difference between hate and kill

    and yes i hate shiaism religion  why?

    because it's all about hate cursing insulting  and Anti-islam.

    but to kill a shia this leads me to be a killer and it's haram.

    so don't mix the words...

    EDIT: you seems didn't read my answer so i will bring it to you in here

    read i answered and yes i hate shias

    but i answered and said you are wrong man muslims are not happy in killing shias and we don't believe in killing shias but

    you do and i brought and evidences

    so my answer was to explain why i hate shiaism religion which started hate and it's an anti-islam religion

    and to correct his words with sources ..

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