
Are there natural remedies such as herbal tea to heal colds?

by Guest21302  |  earlier

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Are there natural remedies such as herbal tea to heal colds?




  1. I would take vicks vapor rub & put it on the outer part of my nose & get some hot water boiling (be very careful you don't spill this on yourself) I take a towel & wrap it around my head. & I breathe in the hot water. This loosens up the mucus & I blow my nose til i can get most of it out...I drink alot of water to get it thined out...I believe in metaphysics which is the study of the mind body connection. When someone has a cold they are confused about something. They don't want to be around others. So when you clear your mind the cold will go away. When you find a positve reason not to be with others you won't need the cold. If yo believe you always get a cold in July then you will.

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