
Are there other Magical beings besides...?

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Are there any other 'magical beings' besides Vampires and Werewolves that were humans before being infected/changed?




  1. idk if this is what your looking for but mermaids can sometimes change into humans

  2. Thing is how do you know that Vamps and Weres were ever human?  In some stories/mythologies they are humans who have been bitten, infected, or turned in some way.  In others they are born that way.  I'll leave the magical beings semantics alone since you asked :)  

    There are many stories of humans becoming something else...wendigos and skin-walkers come to mind.

  3. actually vampires and weres....well, most weres, are actually humans, the same way someone with cancer or diabetes is human. they are not magical at all, in fact i bet your going to be getting some nasty answers about that.

  4. According to many myths the world over, many witches or warlocks could change themselves into a variety of animals.

  5. None in human body form, that I can think of.  Many creatures were born out of human emotion.  Banshees for example were born out of mothers who had lost their children during wars.  They wailed and wanted revenge for their children,  after their deaths they were unable to differentiate between friend and foe.

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