
Are there other blood cults that required a God son's blood in a sacrifice to enable them to forgive?

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I have heard of a cult in which they have a God that is all "powerful " but only the blood of a human sacrifice could enable this God to forgive, because he could not brake his own rule. All powerful but the blood of his son in a sacrifice-execution could only work to forgive.

What blood cults have this type of God?




  1. Unique to Christianity from all other world religions is that God met the requirements Himself in order to reconcile man to Himself. In all other religions it is man's job to somehow seek to appease the god(s). He may or may not be able to do it. With the Christian God, forgiveness is assured.  

  2. Many religions require blood or death sacrifices.  Most of the South American religions do as a primary example.  Other than those, many religions have the concept of sacrifice.

    By the way, a "cult" is basically an infant religion that has nod spread to multiple locations or recognized by a majority of people.  In the Roman days, cult referred to underground religions that were not based on the current, accepted religion .


    While it is true that the Christian religion has "assured" redemption, there is no consensus on what the requirements for that are.  For example, some thing that it is just if one prays a version of the "sinner's prayer" and accepts Jesus.  Others think that baptism is needed, unless baptism can not be preformed. These are just two of the many conditions that people place on the Christian version of salvation.

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