
Are there other sections of Y!A's that have as much...?

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thumb action?




  1. 1. Politics just try and compare Hillary and Obama and they get furious! From what I hear that is the most reported section on Y!A

    2. Religion and Spirituality makes our little group look like a  love-in.

    3. Skip on over to Newborn Baby and ask if you should put cereal in your baby's bottle....they get downright vicious....thumbs flying everywhere.

    4. Pregnancy for the famous "If I had unprotected s*x can I get pregnant"'s always entertaining and real hoot!

    5. Anime can get pretty intense too. Never confuse your Anime characters.

    6. Adolescent for the ever popular "Why are my Rents (Parents) so mean to me."

    All the sections have their days......the thumbs thing is stupid anyway.....some people get real angry about it......just look into the Yahoo products section.

  2. Ha ha!  I don't think so.  Whenever I answer a question in another section, I get very few thumbs.

  3. There are other sections??? ;0)

  4. NO!...........but i have a way of pissing people off, so i get thumbed a lot. if only they knew ..... what i was muttering at the screen

  5. I definitely think this category is for the more serious minded people. Either they are looking for serious answers, or they have serious concerns about adoption, which they feel a tremendous need to express.  That tends to increase the "thumb action", because we care about the questions and answers. I think it's a valid reason for the extra thumb action.  Good question, Gersh.

  6. New born and baby there lots of thumb action there

  7. Lol. I don't think so. When I post in Pets, Health, or Law and Ethics, people give you thumbs up if they really like your answer, but I've never seen a thumbs down unless the answer is VERY rude or stupid (i.e. What do I do. I think I have meningitis. A: Nothing. You're going to die and infect other people who will also die. lock yourself in a room until you die so you won't be selfish.). In questions of opinion, I never see thumbs down. People seem to take opinions as just that, opinions.

    BTW, I don't get why I always get thumbs down. I'm never rude or judgmental to the poster, but for some reason, people can't help but click that button. It's like an addiction in this section.

  8. ***Still giggling***

    I don't think so!!

    I get the feeling there's lots of middle finger action in this section too!! :)

  9. Heck yeah!

    Check out Religion and Spirituality sometime.

  10. Not that I have seen. Every time I go to a different section I am amazed by the lack of thumbs.

  11. I always seem to be the only one voting on other sections.

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