
Are there other teens that are or were in foster care that have babies?

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I am 17 have a precious lil 23 week old son. I was in foster care and was recently adopted and I just want to talk to other teens that have a like situation, rather than a teen that is just a teen mom. I started a yahoo i just wanted to know if there were other??




  1. My friend who's 17 is in foster care with her baby who is almost 4 months. Her parents live around where we do, but her dad refused to take her and the baby in. She and her father didn't have a good relationship in the first place. Anyways, after the baby was born, a social worker visited her in the hospital and she signed herself up for foster care, which means she can get out if she really wanted too. She's the only one in foster care, and the baby isn't...the baby is technecally like her 'luggage', the baby just lives with her in the foster home. She gets all the support and money and any other stuff she needs from the social worker, and her foster parents. She see's her mom about twice a month (its' her decision to see her parents--she refuses to see her dad). So I know you're not the only one. And congrats on you're baby (even though its a tad late!).

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