
Are there other tier one Jesuit colleges besides Georgetown, Holy Cross, BC, Fordham?

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I have heard that the Jesuit colleges are the best Catholic colleges for academics and that these four are the best. Are there any others that come close to these 4?




  1. There are many butI think you got it. To me Georgetown is in its own class.

  2. Georgetown, Holy Cross, BC and Fordham are the leading Jesuit colleges, although there are others that have a good rep, including Fairfield U, Providence College and Marquette. But yes, you have the top Jesuits on your list.

    If you're willing to expand your search to all Catholic colleges, and not specifically Jesuit, I'd have you add Notre Dame to the list of top unis you already have, as well as Villanova.  

  3. The link below contains a full list of Jesuit universities in the US.

    In my opinion, Marquette is the only other Jesuit school that approaches the academic stature of the four you mention.  However, there are three Catholic universities that are not Jesuit that are also up there.

    Notre Dame is generally considered the best Catholic University in the US.  Notre Dame is not a Jesuit school.  It is run by the Congregation of the Holy Cross (CSC)

    I put Georgetown second and BC third.

    In my opinion, the fourth best Catholic University in the US is Villanova -- run by the Augustinians.

    These would be followed by Fordham, Marquette and Holy Cross and Catholic University (which was founded by the Catholic Bishops in the US).

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