
Are there other viral etiologies, besides HPV and HSV that can cause PID?

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Why can't flu or cold viruses be culprits?

Thanx for any and all answers everyone :-) ;-)




  1. PID can also be caused by trauma, as well as by viruses.  The best source of information is from your MD, who can help you sort out why you have it and what treatments are available.

    There have also been some suppositions that PID can be caused by, or made worse by, too vigorous of sexual activity, causing the displacement of uterine contents.

    There are just too many variables to discuss on an on-line forum.  Make sure you consult with a GYN who is experienced or specializes in treating PID.

  2. I think you have two different diseases confused here.  I can speak with some authority on this issue.  

    PID= pelvic inflammatory disease and is usually caused by bacterial agents as described above.

    HPV is the cause of abnormal pap smears and ultimately cervical cancer.  There persists some minimal debate as to whether or not HSV (herpes simplex virus) causes cervical changes most do not believe this to be the case.

    Very importantly HPV vaccine recently touted as a preventative measure for cervical cancer is incomplete including 2 viruses that cause genital warts, and 2 that cause cancer.  There are several other HPV forms that cause cancer and are ommitted from the formulation.

    Cold and flu viruses are not causes for cervical dysplasia/cancer or for PID

  3. There are several ways women can get PID. The most common way is by having s*x with a person who has gonorrhea or chlamydia. These diseases are carried in the s***n and other body fluids of infected people. During sexual contact, the germs spread to the woman's cervix. The germs can also infect the glands at the opening of the v****a, the urethra (passageway for urine) or the a**s.

    Sometimes women get PID without being exposed to gonorrhea or chlamydia. In these cases, doctors aren't sure why the bacteria in the v****a spread into the uterus, fallopian tubes and abdomen, causing PID.

    PID can also occur if bacteria infect your internal organs as a result of giving birth, or having a miscarriage, an abortion or a procedure to take a sample from the inside of the womb for laboratory testing. Sometimes PID can occur after the cervix is treated because of an abnormal Pap smear or after the insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD). However, this isn't common.

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