
Are there parallel universes?

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    Whenever we get clues, we the public, get diced with inconsitancies and excuses which destroy solid answers.

    The real question is not whether it's out there, but who keeps hiding its wherabouts from us..?  

    :Throws computer at co-worker's head:

  2. I think it is possible there are other universes. Uni means 1, so its hard to pluralize universe. To my knowledge there has been no evidence for or against any other universe. It's possible only because anything is possible. We thought we had a rough idea of how many galaxies were in the universe until they pointed the Hubble at black nothingness for a super-long exposure time, when they got the picture back it showed hundreds of thousands of galaxies we did not know where there. So nothing is impossible. I think it will be many years before we are able to prove it one way or the other.  

  3. if u ask me --- are there multiple universes? i would say yes. but you are asking for 'parallel' universes which i dont think does exists.

    there are infinitely many points in time, so there are infinitely many universes. each of these universe share a certain point of time common with infinite number of other universes.(they cannot share more than one point of time in common because if they do, they will coincide) so, this means there are infinite number of universes, but they intersect every each other in a certain point of time. (if you ever heard about wormholes, these intersections are wormholes)

    Let us assume that there are parallel universes. if two universes are parallel, they will not intesect. this means that they will not have any point in time common. if they will not have any point in time common, they will not have any similarities but only dissimilarities. this means that these two universes are completely opposite. if we consider our universe as one of the parallel universes, the other universe will be exactly opposite of our universe. using this statement, we can say that if our universe exists, the other parallel universe does not exists. So there arises a contradiction. this contradiction arises because of our wrong assumption that parallel universe exists.

    so, i conclude that parallel universes does not exists.

    all this may seem non-sense if you dont think about it. in clear words, NO.

  4.   No, there is only one universe and this is it.

  5. Yes, if there are not, we would not exist

  6. No one knows, so no one can tell.  There are hypotheses of a multiverse, but as far as I know, no one has postulated any hypotheses of traveling from our universe to another, so the point is somewhat moot.  Our universe is defined as that space where the laws of physics as we know them apply.  No information transfer is currently thought possible between our universe and any other, so we will never have anything more than hypotheses about the existence of other universes.

  7. Impossible to tell.  The "many worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics people would say so.  The people who wonder how we exist when the "settings" of the basic forces could be other numbers.. they would say there are uncounted universes.  The brane people make pretty much the same claim.  Me?  I have no idea.  It isn't very important.  

  8. Yes. You asked the same question over there.

  9. the theorie is that there is a nnegativeuniverse kinda like anti matter .  anti matter is a proven fact . but a universe made of anti mater is still unproven  

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