
Are there parallels to be drawn between the current Bejiing Olympic games and those held in Berlin in 1936?

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  1. Hello,

    Not really; anyway I doubt the leader of China will wheel about and stomp out of the stadium if an African American takes the gold.


    Michael Kelly

  2. I'm more concerned about Putin and Nato/Bush getting into a size contest.

  3. There certainly are. I just hope WW3 isn't far behind like WWII followed shortly after "Hitler's games".  Similar political themes going on here, did you see the 2008 precision drummers at the opening? Was that meant to intimidate or what? wow.

  4. Yeah, defenetly there is going to be a WW3 I hope Russia wins again

  5. The places lying on the same longitude have the same local time,Geographically speaking.But because of country boundaries and time zones this is not always followed.If you are doing time sums,then just consider the places on the same longitude to have the same local time.

  6. I've heard comments similar to this made before, and I have thought of it myself.  There was a lot of propaganda in the Berlin Olympics (I did a report on n**i propaganda in college and that was a significant part of my paper) and I'm getting that feeling from this one.  I obviously don't remember the Berlin Olympics, but there does seem to be that same similarity about China trying to show us how great they are with these Olympics.  

    I hope the people who say these Olympics will bring change to China are right.  I've heard the Seoul Olympics did that in South Korea.

    I liked the drums though.

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