
Are there parts of the Republic of Ireland where people watch the BBC without paying the licence fee?

by  |  earlier

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And what are the detector vans and TV Licensing doing about THEM?




  1. Yes, near they border and by the east coast (they pick it up across the sea).

  2. Anywhere near the border, but I'm surprised it reaches as far as Galway.

    People in Northern Ireland and parts of Wales can pick up RTE and watch for free without paying a license, so I suppose its a fair swap.

  3. ...and are there parts of Northern Ireland that watch the RTE without paying the fee?

    Well the answer is yes. Most of it. So what?

  4. Most television sets in Ireland will be able to pick up BBC and the other UK terrestrial channels, with the exception of Channel 5.

    It is quiet handy for us, we get twice the amount of terrestrial channels as you do and only pay for our four.

  5. i agree with everyone else thats has said above! we pay our fees! you can get rtE nd so on so why does it matter? whats the point in this qestion? why have you capitalised them?

  6. Yes we do pick up the BBC, for free as well. But as everyone else said, people in Northern Ireland pick up RTE 1, RTE2, TG4 (and commercial station TV3) for free. But you don't hear the Irish Government or Irish people complaining about "THEM".

    Who cares? Do you think we're all sitting there pleased with ourselves that we're getting the beeb for free? If you don't want us having it, stop broadcasting it in our areas! I could go on, i.e. get out of our country full stop, but I'd be going over old ground.

    In summary, we don't give a flying f**k about your stupid channels.

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