
Are there people like me out there???

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do you get dissapointed sometimes when your friends, family and the person you love do not live up to your expectations??

are there times when you feel that nobody understands what you as a person are...

and what you really want from them ( nothing selfish though )...

and times when you think that no matter what you do, people arent going to change the way they percieve you ???

yeah I know too many questions in a single one but just feeling too




  1. why all the childish questions?

  2. I am feeling that way now . I am sick of people .  

  3. yeah. I'm in the same spot as you are right now.

    Just wait it out. look on the bright side things will be better.

  4. Everyone is JUST like you Kris...Human ...Hang in there it gets better.

  5. I think most people at one time in their lives feels this way and I think I still do sometimes. There are moments in my life right now where I feel like I'm drowning and that nobody can save me because they just don't understand (or listen). Anyways the best things to do at these moments is to try and make yourself good or in control. You are only human after all you can't be held responsible for all that's going on. For me, what helped was being honest telling the people around me how I truly felt it may hurt them at first but in the grand scope you'll be doing them a favor. And who knows if they truly care about you they'll try to make positive changes. If your not ready for these confrontations try to work up the courage doing things you like maybe like going for a long run or writing (its important they help you relax) and then once you feel good enough about yourself have an open and honest discussion with the people in your lives. Hope this helps  

  6. I felt this way on occasion. But I say this to encouraged. There are others that are going through the same thing. Consider yourself unique, in the sense that there is something about you that allows you to see life for the important things. I can tell from what you write that you are a person of great compassion. Keep your head and never stop being the person that God has made you. There is a reason and purpose behind it all. People will not live up to your expectations all the time so just remember that compassion is key to you not being so let down by others behavior. Just try to be an example without judging them. And always speak out of love and concern.

  7. that pretty much sums up my life, but think of it the other way around ..there are expectations you don't live up to and people you disappoint as well.  

  8. I was always disappointed before; that's way I've learned not to expect anymore.

    But yes, I know what you mean, unfortunately, quite a lot of people go through this.

    Though I do wish that it'll get better for you.

  9. you seem to have trouble with accepting no one's perfect, the whole point of them being a friend, a family member, or anyone you love is that you accept that fact they aren't perfect, but love them anyway

  10. Of course, I think everyone has felt the same way as you at some point in their lives. The best thing to do is allow others to have their opinions, but still hold true to what you strongly believe. Others, parents, friends, even our idols and heroes will disappoint us at some point but we can't expect others to live by our own created standards. Acceptance is the best thing everyone should practice, and we have to comprehend ourselves first until we understand others. Each person, including yourself, is his/her own and we all have different thoughts and motives, so no 2 people will ever be the same. Comprehend yourself first before you try to understand others, and find the best way to prove your critics wrong.

  11. Hi!

    Oh! Absolutely!

    I think the way you are feeling is very normal! I feel that way all the time, and sometimes wonder if it's me being abnormal!

    But when you try your best, and no one seems to notice?

    and all you really want is a little recognition, which you don't get. No matter how hard you try.

    No one understands the pain you feel because they think you don't really mind that they don't notice who you are and what you are doing for them.

    They assume you know that you are appreciated and loved.

    Yeah, it's just the way it is. I don't understand why people are so oblivious to others.  Especially, people we are suppose to be close to!

    Take Care


  12. I never feel like people don't live up to my expectations, i find that that would be selfish. But i personally never feel good enough and arnt 'up to expectations'

  13. yes, there are tons and tons of people like you out there. just breathe innnn and breathe ouuut.

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