
Are there people out there that look like Hillary and Obama in a food fight?

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Just no one hurt. Being funny





  2. What is the matter, Mr. Brain's and hope and change cannot make it on his own or what! The Messiah had to bring on some help and I know why.  Mr Obama can not discuss issues because he knows nothing about them, so he brought on Hillary to go against McCain, just wait and see.  Hillary is good at lying and distorting the truth about issues and the best flip flopper in politics.  Only thing is, if Obama puts her on his ticket as VP, he is making a huge mistake,  she will end up being President , if they win.   People should know now sneaky the Clinton's are by now, and all about their back stabbing and techniques they use to gain power, and I guarantee Obama is just a little wart on their finger to them and he can easily be removed.  Poor Obama, I really feel sorry for him, gone so far to s***w up now.  Of course Hillary has to pretend she is all on his side now, that way she could possibly be eliminated as a suspect later.

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