
Are there people out there that take Chick Tracts seriously?

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Are there people out there that take Chick Tracts seriously?




  1. Yes, unfortunately, just like there are people that take NBC news seriously.  It is laughable, but some people could carry all their brains in a thimble.

  2. Though some seem comical in a sense, they are good witnessing tools. Information on false religions like Mormons, Islam, Catholicism, Jehovah's Witnesses, etc are quite true. The message that you seem to be missing is how lost you truly are, and that is sad that you just don't get it.

  3. I hope not.


  4. Yes, unfortunately, there are.

  5. Only GI Joe

  6. answer: unfortunately, yeah.  And they buy into the whole bigoted, hateful propaganda.  There's a couple of people around here that link to the Chick website and quote the tracts when attacking Catholics.

    Stupidity should be painful but it doesn't seem to be for them.

  7. unfortunately.

  8. What is a "Chick Tract"?

  9. The fact that even one religious person might take them seriously ought to make every rational person take them very seriously indeed...

  10. I like the art work. I like the expression on the faces of the characters. I do not find them offensive, Tho I may not agree with the message, No problem.

  11. Unfortunately, yes.  

  12. Yes. Alot of your fundy protestants swear by Chick Tracts. They take his word over the bibles

  13. Is there anyone out there that takes Dan Dennett, sardonic Sam Harris, the new American Chris Hitchens or the royal Dawkins, etc seriously?

    Is this a "serious" question?

    God love you!

  14. Yes there are.  There were a bunch of people trying to hand those satanic little pamphlets out to the Catholics during the most recent world youth day.

  15. No. Sane and responsible people know that publications like that are total nonsense.

  16. Lost me, I don't even know what Chick Tracts are.  

  17. I hope not because if they do YOU ARE PROMOTING IT.  

  18. Yes!  Yes!  Yes!

    There are quite a few people that take Mike Warnke, John Todd, Peter Ruckman, Alberto Rivera and others like them as truth as well.

    Jack Chick makes only two types of religious tracts.

    They are the best at communicating the gospel of salvation.

    They are the WORST on every other topic.

    I am no fan of roman Catholicism.  But Jack Chick believes that the Roman Church is behind the Rise of Islam, n***s, Communism, and every every religious and political ill that one can think of.

    He is anti-rock-and-roll in all forms including all forms of Christian Rock.

    He is KJV-Only.

    Please see sources.

  19. I certainly hope not!

  20. It wouldn't surprise me if there were some religious crazies out there that actually take it seriously.

  21. never heard of it .but i will google it  after typing this

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