
Are there people that work in the airports that can help a child in specific when flying by himself?

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Im 15 years old and im about to fly to virginia on a two way flight, changing planes once each way : houston-dallas,dallas-richmond,richmond-... worried about getting lost or missing my flight or even getting on the wrong plane.sence im only 15 and in puberty im a real air and i need someone that works there to follow me around and help me find my plane.




  1. I am a parent and have had my children fly at various times.  Most airlines can provides someone to help you but there is a signifigant charge for the service.  

    Other than that you just have to be sure to ask quickly and follow directions from gate to gate.  It can be very confusing but does not need to be.  Usually things are very well marked and easy to follow.

    Relax and pay attention.  You should be fine.

  2. My brother is a FA - and when a young child (or an older one such as yourself) is booked a flight, the staff is fully aware of the situation.

    When you board, make sure you let the flight attendant know that you are traveling alone.

    When you disembark (leave the airplane), there is usually a gate agent greeting everyone (to tell them what gate to go to for a connecting flight). Be sure you look for this person. You will be guided to the right gate. Once you get to the right gate,  check in at the counter with a gate agent immediately to verify that you're on that flight (and it's going where you're supposed to).

    If things seems to have gone wrongly--look for that airline's staff in uniform. Don't walk about and get lost. (Bring a book or your ipod or whatever young people carry nowadays so you won't get bored, but do pay attention of your surrounding.)

    I assume also that you have your cell phone by now. Charge it fully before you leave your house. Do turn it off during flight, but carry it on your person at all time.

    When you change plane, don't forget any bags or anything that you brought with you. Make sure all bags are tagged with your name & telephone number.

    Don't wander away from the gate when you wait for a connecting flight. Things are so expensive anyway you won't want to pay for it at the shop (!)

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