
Are there people who don't like being taxed on income by the federal government?

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I would like to not pay federal income tax because It is used for war and foreign aid. If I stopped paying the tax, and to go to trial, would all you who don't like paying the IRS fight with me?




  1. I don't think anyone likes being

    But I still pay, and for me, its not worth fighting the IRS... wouldn't get anywhere anyways.

  2. YES,I hate those dirty son of the devils, I hate paying taxes and when ever I can I take work under the table and I eat and drink stuff in the store and not pay for it,just to make myself feel better on not paying taxes, cluck them I wish they would all just disappear into the blackhole of pain, when and where?I will be there with a huge bat with nails in it,see how crazy the IRS makes me and I am not a violent person,thanks for letting me vent,may we all stay blessed,except the IRS

  3. I would have your back! Paying taxes is unconstitutional! You pay taxes when you get your paycheck, then when you buy things they tax you again. Its rediculous! Isnt taxes one reason why we became our own nation? Instead of having to pay England taxes on everything that was shipped over here, like what happened at the Boston Tea Party. If the fathers of our nation knew of all the tax problems that were being given to us they would be rolling over in thier graves. Taxes are madness. Money isnt based on the gold standard anymore, so why cant the government just print all the money they need to fund war, and everything else that the government needs?

    And all you idiots that gave me thumbs down, SHOW ME WHERE IT SAYS IN THE CONSTITUTION THAT I HAVE TO PAY FEDERAL TAXES. YOU CANT BECAUSE IT DOESNT EXSIST! So all of you people that think taxes are good and help the nation, do research on why taxes were brought around to begin with, do research on what the purpose of the birth of our nation was for, do research on what our leaders at the time the constitution was being written were fighting for, all of you little passive lab rats that think taxes are ok need to wake the h**l up and fight for your constitutional rights as Americans! Instead of letting the government do to us whatever the h**l they want to, becasue soon you wont have any say over your right to work, earn wages, eat, travel, or even live your life the way you want!

  4. me *** those b******s

    cool name

  5. Was this an actual question, or are you really that stupid.

    If you check the history of Taxation, it was only a temporary fix to begin with.

    But our Historical Moronic Government Officials found a wonderful way to s***w the American People out of their hard earned money.

    Now doesn't that make sense.

    Make money, don't work for it, and screws millions out of their life.

    But if we as normal Americans need money, we go to jail, if we do what our government does.


  6. You should email Wesley Snipes and ask him how that not paying his tax thing is going.  I agree with you, the govt. spends a great deal of my money on things I don't approve 446 million dollars on the space theres a waste of fuel if ever there was.

  7. I am a staunch believer in freedom. Income tax of any kind reduces my freedom to reinvest my money as I see fit.  I am 43, I have never paid a penny in federal income tax that did not come back to me.  And since I have been self-employed, I have paid zero.  I refuse to allow anybody to steal from me, most especially those who legislate extortion to help strongarm the people to pay the debts owed to the banks on account of the plundering of the treasury by the global elite.  They bank roll genocide and all kinds of terror, bankrupt nations by so doing, then expect you and I to cover the debt owed to the private banks who profit from the abuse of spending.  There are many sound arguments for why a person ought to pay the tax.  I am just not one to promote those ideas.  I have a successful private business, and the reason why it is successful is because I keep all the money, all the time.  If I did not do that, I would not even be able to afford to do what I do.  Trial is not an option. Fly below the radar and you won't be noticed.  If you make millions, then you have to open offshore bank accounts to keep your money away from the federal thieves and their minions. Ask Paul Martin, or any big businessman.  They all do it.  Only the middle class is milked.  They have just enough that they can be robbed and still eat everyday, and the rich are too smart to allow the thieving to happen to them, while the poor have nothing to steal.  So it is the average joe who depends on a paycheck who is the real loser here, because he or she is docked every week before that paycheck is even cashed.  If you left it up to the people to pay, or not to pay, most would say f*ck you to the government and keep their hard-earned  money.  Don't you hate it when other people rag on you because you are clever and industrious enough not to buy into that lie about paying taxes?  I can assure you that given the actual choice not to pay, and the ability to successfully avoid paying, only the idiots or the hopelessly ideal would still continue to do so.

  8. I hate paying taxes, like most people. However, you can't selectivly choose where the money goes. You don't want to pay for the war or forein aid - I don't want to pay for those abusing the welfare system and inmates abusing the court system. However, some of our taxes go to good things, like my salary (I work in public safety ie. police/fire), schools, roadwork, etc. Yep, paying taxes suck, but, if we didn't pay for the services, who would? FYI: the federal government founded the highway system and paid for it with federal funds, not state. School funding is both town, county, state, and oh, federal. Higher educational loans are usually federal. Do some research so you don't sound like an idiot.

  9. Nobody says you have to stay where you are. Don't like it, move.

  10. h**l no. do you want our country to look like a S H I T  pile?

  11. Are you looking for co-conspirators?  Not paying federal taxes is a crime.  So is conspiracy to commit a crime.

  12. its not gunna happen the gov has too much power

    however there are ways around their jewish to your emplouer about bein payed under the table....minimum wage on payrole and the rest in cash

    its cheeper for the boss and you make more money all the same

    eventually anarchy will rise (or so i am allowed to hope)

  13. Unfortunately, what you are asking for is not do-able.  Here's why.  Proper government exists by the consent of the governed (at least in theory in our system).  Simply put, our government exists to serve, not rule.  However, it is impractical for you to ask that your income tax not be used for war (I agree with you on foreign aid, as I believe also that using our tax dollars to aid in humanitarian efforts is an improper use of appropriating our taxes.)  

    The purpose of a proper government is simply for, external security (i.e. raising an army, navy and other measures for the security of our country), internal security (police, fire etc.) and courts to adjudicate disputes between individuals.

    Saying you don't want to pay a federal income tax says to me that you aren't interested in securing our borders.  That idea is impractical and naive.  Sorry, I also disagree with aspects of the war, however, I do not have all the information either...

  14. You are quite substantiated in being disgruntled about income taxes.  You'll really be upset by checking out and their findings on the subject.

    The IRS is not even US based, nor officially sanctioned...they are a money laundering service.

    And if you look at our deficit, the economic state of our Nation--the cost of living vs. pay scales, rising poverty levels & crime rates based in such, as well as the fact that this taxing impacts the lower income status much greater than the higher incomed (which makes NO sense)....Something screams "IT'S NOT WORKING!!!".

    Unless the majority stands up and simply decides to not pay this tax any longer, will our governing wonders be forced to establish a more logical means of economics.

    It could happen!!!  Just not any time too soon...fear is a powerful stronghold on the weak minded.

    Look at it this go to jail, get fed, clothed & more can get all the free education you want--get a Phd!!! And free health care to boot--get those teeth fixed finally!!!  And you don't pay income tax, or state tax, or sales tax, or any tax while there!!!  Doesn't sound too awful, if you can deal with the other monstrosities in there with you.

    Yeah, let's fill our prisons with normal folks who are simply tired of illogical leadership--they'll make room for us by letting much more wonderful beasties loose on society--we'll all become educated to be lawyers & politicians when our time is up, and change the process on down the line...I'm game!!! LOL

    Good Journey!!!

  15. I gladly pay a few bucks if it means a family in some foreign country that gets hit by a hurricane can get a tent and some food to survive on rather than starve and die.  

    Maybe you're right though, with the money you save not paying federal income tax, you might be able to buy a new plasma TV!!!!

    Besides, SS tax takes more of my money than federal tax.

  16. Nobody likes to pay taxes, but they are necessary.

    The only recourse you have is to vote and to become politically active to get the people out of office that set up the system and made those decisions.

  17. All I can really suggest is a push to return power to the states VS the federal govornment. The federal govornment has long since perverted it's original purpose and has(and will continue to) spread it's control as far as funding allows. Perhaps you recall this quote "No taxation without representation!" Do you feel that blanket laws which cover the entire united states can possibly represent everyone? With state power responsible for law you then have a choice. If you do not like laws in one state, you have any other state to choose from. If you don't like a federal law.. well you'd better find a new country. Thats exactly the opposite of what this country was founded on.

    Demand freedom. Without it we are lost.

  18. I got your back.

    Too many and too much d**n taxes.


  19. Sorry-  paying taxes is sort of like paying rent.  If you wanna live here you got to pay.

  20. go to , together, we can do great things for this country.

  21. I hate the taxes for the same reason...I wouldn't be mad with you, but that is a hard way to learn "You can't fight the Feds"

  22. Taxes are a useful tool, they pay for our infostructure, our schools, our police, our firemen, etc. etc. etc.

    Taxes are not the problem, its what these idiot polititions are doing with it.  That's the problem .

  23. watch this on you tube

    America: Freedom to Fascism

    or go here

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