
Are there phone systems that will show a blocked phone number?

by Guest45439  |  earlier

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I mean like the person calling you blocked their number but it still shows on the caller ID. Like if I called a business and didn't want my number to show on the caller ID, is there any chance they could get the number?




  1. most 800 and 900 numbers, as well as 911, and some other numbers are able to get your caller information from ANI, not caller ID. You can block your CID data from being sent, but your ANI is always sent..

    even if you block your CID anyone call dial *57 and put a trace on your call if you are harassing or threatening them, they will not get the info themself, but that info will go to law enforcement..

    for more info on call trace call 1-866-trace-4-u

    and to prove my point that ANI is still available to certain numbers if your CID is blocked, try this...

    block your number with *67 then dial 1-866-my-ani-is  this will read back your phone number to you ..

  2. no, as long as you definatly blocked your number there is no way that they can see your number

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