
Are there places such as restaurants, cafes, bars, stores etc. that cater to North Americans in Buenos Aires?

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Is there a section of the city where North Americans tend to hang out?




  1. you cant visit:   , more information about argentine, bye

  2. Well, there isn't any area of the city were americans hang out, that I know of. But there are several restaurants/cafes that cater to their tastes, such as Hard Rock cafe in Recoleta, TGI Friday's in Puerto Madero, Genoma bar at Palermo Hollywood. As for stores, I'm not sure what you mean, but most international brands have stores in Buenos Aires.

  3. I've never seen a Chili's in Argentina.

    Retiro has a lot of Americans, Puerto Madero and Paseo del Pilar and Junin in recoleta.

    Cabana Las Lilas is about 80% in english now.  Completely different than 7 years ago.  Prices there are North American, too, though.

  4. To whom it may concern, I am sorry but the restaurants, cafes, bars, stores etc. do not cater to North American standards. People actually have style down and are pretty educated down there, they dress pretty awesome and food wise what can I say it kicks NA's *** really bad. I find it is a lot like Europe and not like NA.

  5. if you mean the actually people they arent to happy when they have to cater to the needs of gringos or yankees but they will still serve you.

  6. I am always astounded by the reaction to American tourists, and Americans passé on portals such as Yahoo Answers and, I might add, in general in Buenos Aires, mainly from those who ‘whisper’ or make crass and stupid statements that usually have little foundation  and are made via anonymous mediums, one would hope, to hide their red ignorant faces.

    There are many reasons to be angry with America at the moment, none of which affect the Argentinean public on a day-to-day basis and much of the airplay given to their past problems being about American interventionism and the IMF do not recognise the complicity of successive Argentine governments and the people who put them in charge.  Argentina has a blame culture and its people a problem saying sorry.  Spend time here and you will know that it is always someone else’s fault!!  Anti-Americanism used by the Kirchner camp in 2001 is still being churned out today, along with lots of spin, smoke and mirrors that avoid the real issues at home.  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€Â˜Wakey, wakey Argentina.’

    Americans and their dollars are important to you and your economy.  Tourism is very important to Buenos Aires, so start being measured in your approach towards our American friends and remember where your bread is buttered or you may well face another downturn with no friends in the world!!  Again.

  7. Um, Yes There is restuarants in North American.

    There a unique places to travels such as Bojangles and Chicken and Wuffle.

  8. I am going to Argentina next year for six months. I have been doing a lot of research on the BAire, and it is one of the largest cities in the world. I would recommend NOT being a typical US tourist. As one of the world's largest cities it has un poco de todo, a little bit of everything. I would hang out in the SoHo/Hollywood/Barrio Norte and Palermo distritos. The majority of people living in the BArie will speak some degree of enlish, but try to use as much spanish as possible. There is also some degree of portugese, german, italian and french spoken there as well. Suerte and be careful. as with any big city there is crime, and tourists are big targets. Oh, and final tip, most Argentinos do not use "tu" for you. They use "vos".

    P.S. for "RaeMac". Argentina does NOT need the US's tourist dollars. Most of the tourists come from Latino America and Europe. They have an advanced economic and high tech sector and what you said is the same as saying if Europeans stopped coming to the US it's economy would fail. Argentina has a multi-faceted command economy, and it rebounded from it's financial collapse without the US's aide I might add. People like you give educated US citizens a bad name. Note, I do not call us "americans" as there are many countries on our two continents with the right to use that title, not just the US.

  9. Being Buenos Aires a major South American capital (just as Santiago, Bogota, Lima, etc) North American tourists can feel safe and go there knowing they will be treated with respect. There isnt a special place where americans hang out, there are many "americanized" restaurants  such as Chilis, Hard Rock,  Fridays, etc. However, me being a tourist and loving to travel; everytime I go to a country I try to blend in and try the local taste and avoid american restaurants. It is very sad to see all the american tourists hanging out at McDonalds in every european town as they feel "safe" eating there. People should learn to respect other cultures and show their respect by hanging in "non american" places.

    I know you asked this without disrespecting the people of Buenos Aires but to answer your question, no, there isnt a specific place where americans hang out as in a crowd.

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