
Are there professional employment agencies which help you find a job?

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Are there professional employment agencies which help you find a job in UK? I know in the states we have special agencies that will help you find a job in your profession but there's certain conditions. I was wondering if there's anything like that in UK?




  1. What planet do yo you come from? Have you looked in Yellow Pages, the internet, etc. Why have you come to the UK if you think we are so backward?

  2. The job centre or you could google your search.

  3. All the employment agencies you register with will try to find you employment or as a last resort there is always the job centre

  4. Yes there are lots




    and lots more......just type these into Google for the websites...

    Good luck ;-)

  5. Yes we have the same thing here.  Most of the deal with all types of employment but there are a few specialist ones.  You just make an appointment and take your CV (resume I think you call it), have an interview where you can tell them exactly what type of job you want, salary etc., they then check their books and will arrange to send you on interviews.  They take a percentage of the annual salary you would get, but that is for the employer to pay not you.

    They can also locate temporary work for you where you would effectively be employed by the agency.  They pay you each week/month and if the employer decides to keep you on, then the fee is payable by the employer.  If they don't keep you on they will then the agency find you another temporary job until you do find a permanent one.

    I would think that you could try typing in employment agencies in UK (or town you will be living in) into a search engine, you could then contact them and explain the situation to them.  I am sure they would be able to help you find a job over here if you fax/email them your CV.

    Good luck

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