
Are there real meanings for names?

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Are there real meanings for names?




  1. If you mean people's names; then yes, most of them actually mean something.

  2. my names alexandra (alex, for short), and my name meaning is

    "protector of men"

    sounds wieird, but its true.

    i amm.


  3. uhhhhh.... be more specific? names for elephants? names for babies? names for countries? DETAILS.

  4. You can find meanings of many names at a great website by googling "behind the name".

  5. Do you mean given names - Fred, Mary etc - or family names. In the latter case it does very much depend on culture. In Western Europe and the USA etc., family names are often based on a craft - Smith (Schmidt), Baker (Boulanger), Fletcher (arrow maker) etc, or perhaps as an indication of were their ancestors lived - Wood, Leas etc. Or again they show ancient kinship (particular in places with a heavy Celtic influence - Robinson (son of Robin), Ferguson (son of Fergus) etc. The origin of names is a fascinating subject on which many books have been written. But none that I have consulted have been able to tell me the origin of my surname - and I'm not about to reveal it here!

  6. Yes there are, though a lot of names are made up nowadays and have no meaning.

    The name Ashleigh means Ash tree meadow and was probably the name of a town or village originally. At some point someone decided it sounded nice and decided to call their daughter that and now it's become a girl's name. The same with Courtney.

    A traditional name like Jennifer for example is an ancient name and comes from the wife of King Arthur. Over the years Guinivere (which means white cheeked in welsh) changed spelling and pronunciation slightly to become Jennifer.

    A lot of african american names like Tanesha and Shaquille though are made up and so have no meaning in any language.

  7. names dont have meanings thay are just names

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