
Are there really UFOS?

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Are there really UFOS?




  1. No. Not yet.

  2. you will see some UFO in toilet bowls.. you know.. unidentified floating objects.. PEACE

  3. I will assume you mean have we been visited by an alien of some description?

    Simple answer is no! We never have been nor are we ever likely to be visited by an ET.

    First, I will just ask, do you have any idea how far the nearest next star from our sun is? Or to take it back one step. Can you even imagine how far just one light year is?

    How about a parsec?

    Then, as for extra solar planets, the next nearest is over 20 light-years from us. However, this is a massive gas giant planet many times bigger than Jupiter and cannot support life of any kind. So, now you have to go even further to find a terrestrial planet that may have the right conditions to have a chance of even supporting micro-organism’s let alone intelligent life. These distances are vast!

    Oh, and just in case you were wondering, anything that contains a mass cannot travel at light speed. Nothing. So, even if it were possible to travel at or beyond the speed of light, a creature would have to travel for far longer than 20 years just to reach us.

    Same as even if they were just trying to communicate with us. If for example some distant civilisation is at say only 50 light years from us, and signal of communication was sent to us it would take 100 years for them to receive our reply!

    On top of all that, as mentioned above, if some distant civilisation had managed to reach us on our insignificant little rock, then we would certainly know about it.

    As also mentioned above, if they had the technology to get here, they would not just come here and 'Buzz us"

  4. Of course UFOs are real, nobody really doubts that. That's not even an important issue in Ufology.

    The big debate is over what UFOs actually are. Are they misidentified objects, Russia spay planes etc, alien space ships? and so on.

  5. A UFO is an Identified Flying Object. So if you see something flying that you cant identify then yes.

  6. yes. an object that is flying that u cnt identify = UFO, but if ur asking if aliens or ppl frm other planet exists, ill have 2 say no, they dnt...

  7. Unidentified Flying Objects:  Yes.

    Alien spaceships:  99.99999% likely not.

    Think about it this way.  As an intelligent race, humans are constantly trying to get in touch with whoever else might be 'out there'.

    If there was another intelligent race, with technology capable of flying to our planet, they would also want to contact us.  Seeing as they haven't contacted us, that means one of the following must be true:

    1) They're hostile, and they're avoiding contact with us because they want to kill us.

    2) They think we're hostile, and they're avoiding contact with us so we don't kill them.

    3) They don't exist.

    Number 1 wouldn't be true, because if their technology was advanced enough to get here, it'd be advanced enough to take us out straight away, so they wouldn't need to spy on us and wait.

    Number 2 wouldn't be true, because if their technology was advanced enough to get here, it'd be advanced enough to take us out, so they wouldn't be afraid of us taking them out.

    That means Number 3 is the most plausible answer.

    (Clearly I'm assuming you mean 'Are there really alien spaceships that have been seen on or near Earth?')

  8. i realy think they are real cos how can we imagine somethink that hasnt been seen well i think that someone sow an UFO and that how this argument about them begins the universe is so big and there are a lot of profs that UFOs exist

  9. ..."any" object that is flying around and is not identifiable is a UFO...  perhaps the better "question" might be... "are there any extraterrestrial flying vehicles "out there" ?  ...the answer to that "question" is....."maybe"....

  10. In a layman's term, UFO generally mean aliens, so I'll take it as that.

    We have a big universe here, buddy. God knows what is watching us and planning our doom in the next hundred years.

    We have the Milky Way, Andromeda, Sombrero, NGC 1300 and a bunch of other funky-named galaxies. What are the possibilities of other extraterrestrial lifeforms? I'd say it's pretty high.

    "Either we haven't discovered them or they haven't discovered us" is what I believe.

  11. Honestly, dude.... I can't really tell... but i'm thinking.... Since we exist in this planet and solar system, why do we think as impossible the existance of another, different life form in a different planet or solar system?


  12. Go to the Parapsychology Section and see my question/videos on the 57 alien beings. Then decide for yourself.(if you believe You Tube)

    Edit..or watch this. Sit's really looonnggg.

  13. It's not impossible that there are UFO's. And UFO's are Unidentified Flying Objects. UFO's might not actually look like the one's you see in movies and shows. Our universe is forever expanding, so people are still trying to find out. If you really wanna know, research more. Don't just ask on answer websites.
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