
Are there really more red heads in Ireland!?! Or is that bullshit!?!?

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Cuz most Irish people Ive met had dark hair! Even the ones on TV do!

And i know this cuz Ive been their and have friends who are Irish!

Ive actually seen more people with black hair who were Irish than any other nationality!

Its like that n**i bullshit about how Germans are supposed to have blond hair and blue eyes but most Germans are not genetically made that way!

And don't give me that Celtic ****! If you are AT LEAST site a source!




  1. Yes, there are red heads in Ireland but it's a very rare hair colour so you wouldn't meet that many - I however have met loads seeing as two of my siblings have red hair & about a half dozen cousins.  I've only met a few people with black hair who are Irish.

  2. sound a bit aggressive there...calm down - why be so rude in your questions?

    no there are not more red heads in ireland than anywhere else, scotland has more than anywhere!  I know a lot of redheads but not as much as light or dark hair ..... my beautiful daughter was born 11 days ago with red hair :) were Irish - born here, lived here all my life

  3. Not all irish are redheads.

    Although SOME of them are.

    But irish are mostly dark haired.

    i would say

    70% are Dark Haired.

    20% are Red Heads.

    10% are Blonde.

  4. wow you are really opinionated arnt you.

    YES irish people DO have red hair, and i dont need to give you any sources except for that I live here and have eyes to see people with red hair. A lot of people i know have red hair.

    So for your information, it is not bullsh*t.

    And id advise you for next time you are asking questions to be a little less  rude...

  5. ''Today, red hair is most commonly found at the western fringes of Europe. It is associated particularly with those in Scotland, Ireland , Wales, and England. This matches the movement of the Celts and Picts as they were pushed westward and northward in Britain and Ireland during the Roman conquest of Britain, as well as the pattern of Viking settlement in the north of England'' - wikipedia

    i think that there are a lot more redheads in ireland, when i go abroad i dont see half as many and if i do ... most of the time, they are irish! :)

  6. The dark hair and pale skin is from our Moroccan, Portuguese and Spanish ancestors - during the Middle Ages, there was a lot of trade between those countries and the west of Ireland, which also accounts for the music and style of dancing (sean nos).

    But many families with dark hair often get a redhead in there - in my family we have two in my generation, I'm one of them. It is a recessive gene and pops up when you least expect it. Both of my parents were dark, so it was something of a surprise ... but not so when I realise that my paternal grandmother had lightish red hair, and mid to dark auburn was prevalent in my mother's family.

    The Celts, incidentally, were late arrivals. There is less than 7% Celtic DNA in the Irish population, most of us come from stock that predates that Celts. You'd find a much higher percentage of Celtic DNA in mainland Europe.

  7. What are you so angry about...?

    Anyways, when you say "Are there really more red heads in Ireland", where do you mean in comparison to?

    If we can take what's on wikipedia to be true, here are the important lines from the page on red hair:

    "Redheads constitute approximately four percent of the European population"

    "Scotland has the highest proportion of redheads, as 13 percent of the population has red hair"

    "Ireland has the second highest percentage; as many as 10 percent of the Irish population have ginger, auburn (red-brown) or strawberry blond hair"

    So there's less than Scotland,but it's still considerably higher than the European average.

    Edit: Ok, maybe not considerably higher, but noteably higher?

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