
Are there really people who still believe that climate change is not a real problem, and we are not the cause?

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With the increased levels of carbon dioxide we have introduced to the atmosphere with the industrial revolution and so on is it realistic that we have not affected the environment adversely?




  1. Yes, they typically have very chubby cheeks, talk really loud, don't read much, and have never taken a science class in their lives. You can recognize them everywhere in an instant.

  2. Yes, you can get a good indication of what peoples political ideas are by how strongly they believe in AGW.  You for example believe that socalism is just wonderful and you can't understand how people could disagree.

  3. We cannot control atmosphere or natural causes. we can reduce waste and stop being wasteful but if you take this logic far enough we will have to shut down nearly every industry and stop transportation on non essential products.

    The annoying thing is that environmental charges apply or many things now but who is spending it and on what.? Nobody accountable

  4. People have too many theories, but only one really is accepted. There are so many good ideas in the world also to resolve this problem, but none of the precautions are taken correctly to do it efficiently enough.

  5. Yep and I am one of them, thanks for asking

  6. Climate change is totally ridiculous! I think that  it is just the approach of another ice age because this happened ages ago! It is totally natural and it has nothing to do with humans. The world will simply freeze over again and the human race will be wiped out. A strain of human life may suceed the ice age and create better humans but it will happen all over again. Stop freaking out people!!!!

  7. Yes, CO2 levels have been 10-15 times higher than they are now and it was during a major ice age that lasted for 20 million years.

  8. Count me in - oh, by the way, I'm educated and don't live in a trailer.

  9. I don't think so...

    EVERYONE knows that we, and especially Bush is to blame for GW.

    I wish everyone was as smart as you are.

  10. there are still people that think the moon landings were faked so  i think there will always be a few members of society that are "flat earthers"

  11. Years of research and study by real scientists and not a bunch of politicians has showed that "Global Warming" is just part of a cycle that Earth goes through, and that humans have nothing to do with it. In fact the largest contributer to pollution is cows, because of the methane they release.

  12. Your right the industrial revolution is what caused mars to become void of human life, we need to kill ourselves to save the planet.

  13. Humans create 3 - 5% of CO2, CO2 is 0.03% how can that make a difference. CO2 lags behind temperature by 800 years. There was a time 800 years agoo when temperatures were hot enough to grow grapes in the North of England ang farms were in Greenland.

  14. We are NOT the total cause..... period.

    Considering 80% of our impending climate change is due to natural solar (warming) cycles and Earth orbit eccentricities (proven by Mackovich Earth orbit and Vostok ice core Co2 fluctuation studies), and it has taken over 200 years of industrial pollution to create our share of it (about 20%)… no short term action will have any immediate effect.  In theory, if we immediately stopped using Co2 producing energy sources, we could expect to see a reversal of our contribution (that’s only 20% remember) to climate change within 100 to 150 years.  

    I will remind you of the Chicken Little’s a few years back that forecast an end to life on earth if we didn’t do something about the ozone holes at the poles… we stopped using flouocarbon aerosols in spray-cans (a decidedly symbolic gesture) and voila, the ozone hole problem was solved (but the ozone holes are still there, unchanged, because they are now known to be a natural phenomenon due to the earths magnetic field).    

    The interesting part of this climate change scenario is the total lack of any meaningful action.  Predictions are grim, we could be facing global extinction of Homo Sapiens within 200-500 years, but all the politicians are doing is jockeying for power.  

    The truth is, if we immediately cut back fossil fuel use world wide by 10% it would plunge the world into political chaos, millions starving in first few years.  It was studied years ago what would be the outcome if the population of China added one egg a day to their diet.  The answer surprised most people…. To add one egg a day, the additional number of chickens would consume all the grain currently produced daily, worldwide.  Back to the drawing board…there are no simple answers.

  15. Yep.   Some are honestly mistaken.  Others see conspiracies in everything.

    Many are conservatives who take politics to great lengths.  If liberals, environmentalists, or worst, Al Gore, say something, it MUST be wrong.  No matter HOW many scientists also say it.

    They should maybe listen to these guys:

    "Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged fellow conservatives to stop resisting scientific evidence of global warming"

    "National Review (the most prestigious conservative magazine) published a cover story calling on conservatives to shake off denial and get into the climate policy debate"

  16. Yes, we are all going to die unless we stop breathing, reproducing and living.

    Everyone....10 Hail Mary's and a Carbon Offset will absolve us of our sins.

  17. Yes

  18. well, you personally dont know how co2 makes the atmosphere warmer, so why dont you refrain from asking questions like this.  I think its pretty apparant with all graphs of the last 400,000 years in temperatures and co2 levels that co2 doesnt cause the temperature to rise.  If it did, then now that we are at 380 ppm, the world should be 6-8 degrees celcius above normal, but it isnt.

  19. As you can see, there are people who still believe humans aren't causing global warming and/or that it's not a serious problem.  The general term for these people is 'deniers' because they're in denial about the problem.

    The science is quite clear.  We know we've increased the level of CO2 in the atmosphere by 37% since the industrial revolution, we know CO2 is a greenhouse gas, we know its global warming potential, so we know it's going to warm the planet.  This is not some massive political hoax, it's just basic science.  Some people either don't understand or don't want to understand this, because accepting the scientific reality means taking responsibility for our environmental impact and changing our behavior.  Some people are afraid of change, so they deny the science.

    Unfortunately, denial doesn't make the problem go away.  That's why the first step for alcoholics is to admit they have a problem.  We have an addiction to fossil fuels and it's doing a lot of damage.  We need to admit it and take steps to solve the problem.

  20. yeah there are some crazy people out there who dont believe global wamring.  some people thinks theres an ice age coming.

  21. Yes, there really are people.  A lot of us.  Making fun of us doesn't make you right.

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