
Are there really such things as UFO'S other living life out in there? i.e. SPACE!!! is this really true???

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now i know we all want to know is there other life than just us human beings! cause to be frankly honest i aint got a idea so i thought i'd raise this up on yahoo answers reason being is coz ive been thinking bout this for nearly a week now! me and a work colleague were chatting bout it at work and i neva believed him he seems to think there is other life out there SOMEWHERE but what do you lot think is there or is there not??????




  1. It seems likely that there must be life out there *somewhere*, like your friend said.  The problem we can't solve right now is how common life is and how far it would be, on average, between inhabited worlds.  After 40 years of intensive scans of the sky, we have not yet encountered an intelligent signal.  that's discouraging.  It is almost certain that we are not being visited.  There's a HUGE difference between the probability of life elsewhere and the probability of them having been here.

    There could be hundreds or thousands of inhabited worlds right here in the Milky Way, but distances are so vast that we might not discover evidence of *any* of them during the lifetime of our species, if ever.  Still, we keep looking and hoping.  I would like to see some evidence of ET life before I die, but I'm not optimistic about that.

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