
Are there red haired amongst Indian people?

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i heard red hair can be found in every ethnic group. What about India? i don't mean kids of mixed English Indian couples.




  1. There are a few....but i don't think they are common. It would be like a person with faint snow blonde hair amongst people of an anglo-saxon background. rare, but still possible.Usually people who are from an anglo saxon background have hair that is a rich blonde lustre or black, but occasionally do you see people who have a light, subtle blonde hair.

  2. Normally not.However, some people artificially change the colour of hair to red.

  3. not common but heres something interesting for ya

    During the early stages of modern medicine, red hair was thought to be a sign of a sanguine temperament.[40] In the Indian medicinal practice of Ayurveda, redheads are seen as most likely to have a Pitta temperament.

  4. Red hair is not found naturally in Indian people.   Although, Indians do use henna to die their hair, which gives a red tone to the hair.

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