
Are there restriction on producing biodiesel in the UK?

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Are there restriction on producing biodiesel in the UK?




  1. I agree with Bio diesel as it is a good way of disposing of waste cooking oils (Mark seems to think we actually use fields to grow oil seed rape special for this, this Mark is untrue we use used cooking oil!) It is an environmentally sound product (after all we would have to find another way of getting rid of the millions of gallons of waste cooking oil!). There is no limit to how much you can make but what you do make you have to declare to HM Customs and Excise so that the appropriate amount of tax can be levied.

  2. No restrictions so long as you pay the appropriate tax.

    The problem is that there SHOULD be restrictions.  The current, unsustainable "fad" for biofuels is using valuable land that should be producing food, which is why food prices are going through the roof.

    We need an alternative to fossil fuels, but this isn't the answer...

    [Edit] - tunisianboy.  I'm fully aware of the benefits of converting used cooking oil and waste food into fuel - but although that's how you do it, there are huge fields full of rape seed and other crops that are being used as fuel.  Recycling vegetable oil can only ever cover a tiny proportion of the Hydrocarbon fuel we currently use.  In the long term we can't think in terms of the CO2 cycle, but we do need to think in terms of resource.  There is an ever increasing demand for energy and an ever decreasing means of producing it.  Biofuels aren't a long term solution.

  3. There are no restrictions on producing it however you will need to declare what you produce to HM Revenue & Customs and pay duty on anything you use.

    Otherwise you could be prosecuted for tax evasion.

  4. I think it is 3000 litres before you pay tax.

  5. HMRS Restricts biofuel production to 2,500 litres a year for personal use.  any more than this and you should pay the necessary biofuel duty.  

    If you intend to produce biofuel, you must declare it to HMRC


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