
Are there serious problems with the culture of the NHS ?

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  1. Yes there are problems.......lots of the so-called 'professionals' have no social skills for one.

    That link shows a rape victim being treated appallingly by a doctor.

    I wonder what the outcome will be for the doctor.  I'm a registered nurse and have to be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council in order to practice.  Any concerns regarding a nurses' fitness to practice can be reported to the NMC, which can result in suspension or removal from the register if they are proven to be unfit.

    I would imagine in this case the British Medical Council will close ranks - as usual.

  2. Yes - it costs a fortune in taxes - we still have to pay a second fortune for prescriptions - and they won't even see you when you're ill unless you're ill in work hours.

  3. I've worked in the NHS for over 36years and over that period of time there have been many changes, some for the good,but what we have now is a NHS where there is no quarter spared to save money,despite the Government ploughing billions of pounds into it, it isn't Medical or Nursing Staff in charge of Funding ,it is Accountants and such like that make all the decisions, as long as the books balance. Latterly I found it to be the most uncaring caring profession, I am so glad I have retired as Medical Staff have a dreadful time fighting for what is right.

  4. not where I am, the NHS is superb. The Tories go on about the NHS being rubbish - its because they want to sell it off. Morons!

  5. by rab333 Member since:

    11 April 2006

    Total points:

    1955 (Level 3)

    Best answer 6%540 answers

    Member Since: 11 April 2006

    Total Points: 1955 (Level 3)

    Points earned this week: 7 The NHS is fooked. The nursing staff get a lot of bad press but really they are prevented from doing their job by managers who are obsessed with targets and figures. Patient care comes second to them. Nurses are overworked and understaffed, therefore standards slip. Nurses go home feeling disatisfied that they have not been able to provide the care they want and that the patient deserves, morale then drops and staff have no time to exchange pleasantries with their patients or their colleagues. The caring spirit is sucked out till you have a defeated empty shell and either the nurse leaves the NHS or just goes through the motions

  6. YES! too many sat on their a ss up top and not enough on the wards so for Gods sake get the Matrons back fast they always kept an orderly house///and they might get to the bottom of this MSRA bug and throw out contract cleaners

  7. Yep its one enormous immigration scam for a start

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