
Are there some kind of people who for some reason were born to be the target of people's insecurities?

by  |  earlier

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For some reason, no matter where I go, what I do I always seem to attract someone who likes/wants to take something out on me, make fun of me, boss me around, bully me.

I get it, not everyone is supposed to like me and that's life, but I think this is different. It's like a magnetic force that I have that causes me to be destined for the insecure. I always attract them. I really don't think I'm insecure because I dislike them so, because they make other people's life bad too.

Plus, I never do anything to deserve such things.





  1. This question could've been from me.  Honestly, I  felt the same way for many years.

    Until, I finally mustered up the courage to ask "why am I always the one picked on"?  The answer from a very honest person was this: "because, you're an easy target and we know you won't start trouble".  

    Notice I said mustered up the courage to ask.  Always before I'd take it with a smile with no rebuttal at all.  This is what they counted on.

    Of course you don't do anything to deserve any of this.  Have you ever noticed on a one to one basis with these same people, they don't do this to you?  

    Yet, in a group of people "they" bring to everyone's attention something about "you".  

    Here's your clues.  When women do it to you.  They're trying to show you up, as in jealous of you.

    When guys do it to you, they're trying to get your attention in a silly way that doesn't upset their girlfriend.

    My advice to you is smile like the Mona Lisa:) you have a secret that you'll never tell every time this happens to you. I'm willing to bet you have a bubbly personality and fun to be around=D.  With that going for you; why not be an "easy target"?  It's a compliment the way I see it. Whatcha' think?

    Blessing to you sweetie:)

  2. its how you carry yourself. and now you are starting to believe you were born to be this way and it is also going to show.

  3. huh? I think you need to talk to a shirnk cause that seems like a problem your having and not others!

  4. Bryn,

    I have been where you're at, thought the exact same thing, and yet, when it's you, I want to disagree.

    Maybe you just need someone to say, "you don't deserve it". Maybe you need another person to back you up.

    Do you have a good friend? Do you have any one on your side? Any one who knows you, accepts you, for who you are? That could be the problem.

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