
Are there some ways to communicate with one's guardian angel.. ??

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I'm having really really tough time now and I know if I don't change now, I will ...well... enter a life that I don't want to enter.. and therefore commit suicide.. I have very little time to make social anxiety fall off me, which has been stuck in me for 15 years and i've tried getting rid of it.

Therefore, I would like to have a conversation with my angel or several of them who are 'responsible' for me.. is there any way I can call them ?? or won't they reply if they know that i shouldn't be helped now.. ?? Should I somehow 'meditate', or relax and try to concentrate in order to be able to hear them ?? I'm really lost and don't know what to do as the options are running short. :/

pls pls pls.. i am sooo serious about it... pls if you don't believe in angels, don't claim that as a response to my question.




  1. Pay attention to your dreams. Ask for Arch Angel Michael Or Arch Angel Raphael for help. You aren't focusing on your angels. If you need to talk send me a email. Great books by Doreen Virtue and Louise Hay, there are many other good writers out there. Just remember if you suicide you come back and repeat your life. Just remember you are special and unique.Please give yourself a lot of love because you are worth it, I send you a lot of love from Australia.

  2. You're as likely to get a valid answer on this section as anywhere else on YA, which is what YA is all about.  Getting answers when you need or want them.  The reality is that if you'd asked in in the section for religion your question would have been treated with scorn by the legion of atheists posting there, and as an invitation to evangelism by the other side.

    The question you're asking isn't necessarily a religious one unless you happen to subscribe to a religious doctrine.  

    In your first paragraph you described a state of anguish and despair combined with urgency to 'repair it'.  It's clear you consider it a high stakes game.

    In the second you've described what you've somehow concluded is the solution.

    I suspect your problems can be resolved by the same methods you'd utilize trying to contact guardian angels in a non-religious context, whether you succeed in contacting them, or don't.

    You might try:

    Making a searching and fearless moral inventory of yourself.

    Admit to yourself, and to another human being the exact nature of your wrongs.

    Resolve to yourself to remove all these defects of character.

    Make a list of all persons you've harmed, and be willing to make amends to them all.

    [Make direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.]

    Continued to take personal inventory and when you are wrong promptly admitted it.

    Seek through prayer and/or meditation to improve our conscious contact with your own spiritual being, however you percieve it to be.

    Constant forgiveness of yourself and others  by recognizing we're all just flawed human beings, plodding along making a lot of blunders and mistakes as we go.  [Along with a constant recognition the future begins this moment and the past is dead].

    You might look to some other, formal programs to help you along in these lines.  Depending on the nature of your problems it could go any of a number of ways, the approach you take.

    You can't necessarily depend on guardian angels to resolve your problems for you.  But if you have strength and courage you can depend on yourself.

  3. You might have a chemical imbalance. Please don't keep going through this when there are medications that can help you . Try a half mg. of risperdal from your dr. They've tried it on Viet Nam vets for PTSD and panic attacks. It helps me a lot. I have those things. It's the first thing I've found that helps. If you take it in higher doses will make you disfunctional. stay with half mg or 1 mg..a day in the morning. PLEASE try this. Maybe an angel sent me to you to tell you about this. That's usually how they work..through people..not usually by speaking out loud or appearing to you. If you try to "hear" from might get someone/something else. If you go through with trying to hear from them and "they" tell you to do something bad or wrong (like what you were talking about) ..then they're not angels of God and don't listen to them. I hope things get better for you soon.

  4. this is a religious answer, and in the way wrong category, but I will answer you anyways.

    Angels are agents of God. There is not an angel specifically appointed to each person. The Bible seems to indicate that angels cover certain areas and churches.

    Its interesting that you would believe and want to be good with angels, but not with God.

    God made each of us with a God shaped hole in our hearts so we would desire to have him in our lives. What you need to do it pray for Jesus to fill that hole with the holy spirit.

    God is not going to step in and make everything happy and easy for you just because you were born again. He will however be there for you, offer you guidance, and you will be comforted to know that you will have a place waiting for you in heaven when you die.

  5. This is really a religious question, and not one that can be addressed with either science or mathematics. To answer the question, several religions include angels which can communicate with people in various ways, Christianity being one of them. If you believe in that religion, then the answer is yes, according to that faith. For further advice, I would suggest that you contact a pastor, priest, or some other person who can give you more information on your particular religious belief. However, if you have your own faith regarding angels that you abide by, then only you can answer this question for yourself.

  6. no you communicate with God in prayer

  7. Hi Chris,

    I am sorry you are going through such a hard time. But I believe that suicide is not the best choice.

    You are a unique person and the world needs you.

    There are people who are willing and able to help you work through your problems and help you reach your goals. Some of the answerers here have already given some suggestions, and I would like to offer a few more.

    Firstly, find a good therapist who you can talk to. Friends and family are important, but its best if you can find someone you trust who is completely removed from the situation, with no vested interest in  your choices. That is something friends and family can't do.

    Preferably one who is open to your spiritual side, and who is not too quick to put you on meds. While that may be the end result, I really believe that its not the place to start.

    Next start doing some soul searching - but in a positive way. Instead of focusing on what is going wrong - look at what is going right. What are your talents and skills? What are your interests?  What do you need to be happy? Then start looking at the changes you want to make - but more toward something instead of away from something. (EG: "I would really like to live in (name) city becuase its by the water." Not "I need to get out of this stupid town because everyone hates me" - see the difference?)

    Everyone has different beliefs on spirituality, and you need to find your own. But I do believe in spirit guides and angels. I believe that they are there to help you - but not to take responsibility for you.  Meditating and praying are good ways of communicating. Also be open to finding the answers. It won't always come clearly as a voice, but you will know it when you see it if you are open to the possibility.

    Lastly, I would like to recommend some books. Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch

    4 Agreements: A practical guide to personal freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz

    Love without end: Jesus speaks by Glenda Green.

    These are all very good non-denominational uplifting books.

    If you would like to talk with me, I would be happy to listen. Feel free to email whenever.

    I hope that helps.


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