
Are there still Countries that only have a hole in the ground for going to the bathroom?

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In the mid 70's I was in the Navy, and went overseas, in the Philipines, in their homes, there was a hole in the floor in a room for going to the bathroom, no toilet, just squat.




  1. I remember seeing an episode on Sixty Minutes about the caste system in India.  Part of the program show this one poor lady who was an "untouchable" whose job it was too clean the public toilet at the soccer stadium.  The toilet was nothing more than an open stone trench and all she had to clean it was cardboard scraps that she could find.  To her credit she knew what a miserable job she had and she hoped that no one would ever have to do her job, she wouldn't wish it upon her worst enemy.

  2. Having traveled through Alaska a few years ago, there were many areas that had outhouses.

  3. What Robert said...  I live in America and at times I find that I have to dig a hole in the ground...  In other words, even in America, some places don't have bathrooms.

  4. Yes, one is the United States of America.  They are called outhouses.  I am not trying to be smart-mouthed.  In many remote areas, there are no sewers nor septic tanks.  In order to be as sanitary as possible with those conditions, a person would construct an outhouse, ranging from very simple to elaborate in design.

  5. ya some remote Northern Ontario First Nations Reserves(Indian reserves)not being smart the deplorable conditions that some reserves are in are worse than 3rd world countries.Check Utube for Attiwapiskat and see what I mean

  6. Most third world countries in Africa have few formal sewage systems.  If they do, it is only in the cities.  Most 2nd and 3rd world countries use outhouses or simply squat over a hole in the ground.

  7. If you take a camping trip into the wilderness you too will enjoy the pleasure of open air relief.

    In Vietnam they don't even have holes they fertilize their rice field directly.  When I was in the Philippines in the 60's in rural areas they also used the direct method outdoors without the benefit of outhouses.

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