
Are there still Leprecauns in the wild in Ireland or are they only in the zoo now?

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Are there still Leprecauns in the wild in Ireland or are they only in the zoo now?




  1. Hello darling, welcome back.  I believe you asked this question quite some time ago so I will repeat my answer.  You can only find Leprechauns at the end of a rainbow with a pot of gold.

    If you go to the zoo you will only find unicorns and dragons and will be very much disappointed.

    I hope this helps.

    I love you x

  2. OMG there's such things as leprechauns?

  3. I have one who is a sort of pimp at the bottom of my garden ....does a lot of work with the fairys..!!!

  4. There's one residing in South Wales, little ol' me! Top of the morning to you!!

  5. They do exist but they match in with the grass as they wear green and are so small.

  6. They're trying a variety of breeding programs for the specimens living in the zoos--they're notoriously difficult to breed, given their high mortality rate (in captivity, they become aggressive and sometimes revert to cannibalism--they tend to be somewhat more gregarious in the wild).  There are still quite a few predators living the wild which feed on leprechauns; coupled with tourist children who catch them in jars and claim they've "captured their lucky charms", the population in the wild has its own difficulties with keeping up the numbers.

    Only the future will see what fate awaits the much-fabled Homo leprechaunis.

  7. are there still donkeys wild in America or are they only in the White house now?

  8. they kept in cages in your head under i for imaginary creatures

  9. We're still wild, mavourneen.

  10. i got one in me attic and you Mr Darcy ain't getting it so move on darling

  11. of course there in the wild and at the end of every rainbow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. I bagged a brace the other day, try them with mushrooms they're fantastic!

  13. Oh, please don't tell me they've put them in the zoo??

    We've booked for a Leprechaun Safari next month, and I've bought all my gear!

    Do you think the shop'll take back my Shamrock Green Safari Suit?

    You're funny - I like you!!

  14. I have answered this question before ............................

    Due to the leprecaun treaty act of 1871 all leprechauns are required to distinguish themselves.Its kind of like high vis clothing, this is the official trade of the leprechauns, their main income is from the manufacture of high vis clothing for industry, anyway i digress, the act forbid all little people from wearing normal clothes because of the previous act, the schannigans act of 1869 gave immunity from prosicution to all wee folk for the mischief that they were habitually prone to. normal folk had to be able to distinguish from Leprechauns and very small people. the acty of 1871 forced them to dye their hair red, the pipe is not a requirement, Leprechauns are well known potheads, the schelleigh is due to their genetic susceptability to arthritis, they claim the pot helps to ease the pain.

    The great leprechaun cull of 1985 drove them to extinction, They were rounded up and put in a concentration camp called Mosney, it still exists today.

    Although one did survive, his father was a leprechaun but his mother is from county meath, that man is called hector o hochrogan, he is sort of a freakish celeb in ireland. And the overlord of the leprechauns. A film is currently in production about his life, it will star oscar winning actor Daniel Day Lewis its title will be "last of the leprechauns".

  15. yeah, theres still a few wild ones! can gt to see them on a friday/saturday night...when they come out to play!

    Brilliant question!! (",)

  16. I emigrated to america and am living in maryland as a VTL "(VERY TALL LEPRECHAUN)"

  17. No there are still some free they can normally be found in the bottom of your 6th or 7th pint of Guinness

  18. Yes, there are still Leprecauns in the wild in Ireland. They are not in zoos because no bars (other than cocktail bars) can hold them.

    I love this question. It always brings a smile. Thanks!

    p.s. Do Leprecohans double and triple park on Fridays in Ireland?

  19. I believe they are trying to reintroduce them into the wild.

  20. Well, if you've actually been to  the Zoo and seen one, please e-mail National Geographic Magazine.  They'd like to do an article on it, as Leprecauns in the wild are exceedingly hard to photograph.

  21. first of all ther are no such things as leprecauns. they were made up in old folk tales and if you dont believe me you can look it up in a book

  22. leprecauns is that how you spell it

  23. there is the odd few in the wild but they are gonna be extinct soon which is a shame!

  24. Sure - you can get your very own at Carroll's on Lwr O'Connell streeet. Oh and they also have them FCEK tees and Leprechaun beards: yes they actually snatched a bunch of drunken Leprechauns and removed their facial hair. Two of them currently sit in the Dáil and they call them Pat and Bertie... keep an eye out you might catch a glimpse of them!

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