
Are there still dinosours living?maybe in a different form?

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are there dinosours still living in a different form???




  1. The man on Jurassic Park said that birds evolved from raptors, lol.

  2. I understand what you mean, and birds won't be the answer that you are looking for. Birds are not dinosaurs, but the animals that are most similar to dinosaurs are the ones that are genetically distant and have an extremely distant common ancestor are probably crocodiles and alligators. Similar bone structures to the first primitive dinosaurs, same green, hairless skin tones like the predators(T-Rex) and those long tales. They're also reptiles.

  3. Yes! We call them birds.

  4. Turtles

    Horseshoe Crabs





    Primitive birds...

    all co-habited with dinosaurs!

  5. Birds evolved from dinosaurs!

    Phterodactals grew feathers, then got smaller and smaller and eventually became birds!

    Crazy huh?

  6. Yes, Jack LaLane is still living

  7. Anthropologists don't study dinosaurs, they study humans (anthro: human, ology: study of).

    This question would be better asked in the biology section, but the answer would  be yes, there are creatures evolved from dinos still on the earth today.

  8. Yes birds evolved from dinosaurs!

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