
Are there still some irish people who hate the british?

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most irish i have met have been friendly towards me but there was on guy i met in australia who hated me from the start. i accidentally said something not against him but about another irishman from a whil back (i said this person was a wanker) and he punches me in the face.

I thought it was just me he disliked for that but he ignored or tried to be hostile verbally to other people in the hostel who were british and started a conversation with him. anyone else he treated like he was their best friend.




  1. I hate the English but only in a fun loving way.

  2. It was deep rooted in older generations but not any more.  But you will always get yobs everywhere looking for fights. That guy used the race card but it could have been 'cause you had a yellow shirt or something alse equally stupid.

    We don't hate anyone, not even the British.  

  3. Yes there are. I go to school with alot of people that hate the British, the hatred is being passed down through generations and its just stupid.

  4. yeah it definatly still exists

    i think irish people hate the past english people for what they done to them and they hate the present day english cause they know nothing about it!

  5. yes, its still not adviasiable to compare anything to the english and even ,members of my family hold a grudge. i live in australia but my entire family is irish and when i went over i commented on how the scenery looked lik england and believe me it wasnt taken well. of course though with any countries not everyone feels the same.

  6. The Irish never forget their history, the English never bothered to learn theirs in the first place. It's not the British we dislike, its the English

  7. I don't think its very common, but (and this might sound stupid) its probably a bit of a "tradition".

    Like, an irish person might say "I hate the English", but when it comes down to it, they don't really...

    Personally I think this attitude is really stupid anyway, (although I'm nationalist and i don't like what happened between the two countries) i don't see how it makes sense to blame 'present day' british people for past conflicts.

    You should really just put what happened to you down as an "unfortunate incident" because the vast majority of Irish people have no bad attitude whatsoever towards the British

    Saying that, if you, for example, were causing trouble (especially in a bar or something) people might bring in the "British bast*rd" aspect into it.....BUT! if you're nice, I really don't see there being ANY problems like that

    (I'm friends with a girl who moved here from England a few months back, and shes had no bad problems at all)

  8. No, we really don’t hate the British or the English. In Ireland, there are some rednecks that don’t like the English, they are always the same “type” of person, bordering on the uneducated, no hoper, social welfare claiming types. Most reasonable people with half a brain are well over it at this stage. There are a lot of Americans that claim to be Irish that say they don’t like the English & the English should get out of Ireland etc but they don’t have a clue what they are talking about & generally have never even been to Ireland even though the claim to be Irish! So yeah as a general rule if someone calling themselves Irish say they don’t like the English they are generally either a) American or b) low IQ

  9. Unfortunately there are  ignorant people in every nationality, race and creed. Who do not need much of an excuse or provocation to resort to violence for no good reason.

    As in Irish culture these people thankfully almost always are the exception and not the norm.

    You were unfortunate, it was not your fault but we all must be careful what we say around strangers.

    As I an Irish person I can say that allthough we may always be bitter about past greivences as a rule we do not hate the British. Just look  to the support enjoyed by British football teams in Ireland as one example.

  10. Yes, it still exists.  When I was in a youth hostel in Ireland I got into a conversation with someone who was British that had to get stitches because he was head butted.  I also asked some buskers about it and they said that it still exists but it's getting better.

  11. Yes there are. I call these people window-lickers. My mother is English and I sometimes get hassle over it but I just ignore them and they end up looking like the morons they are.

    DOC; How much did you learn about your history. Did you do it in Leaving Cert, probably not. The people who hate the British are the same ones that can't tell you which year the Dail first met or which side the Irish supported in the British Civil War. Bet you didn't know that the Gaelic Irish fought for the King in that one did you.

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