
Are there still sweat shops today?

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Are there still sweat shops today?




  1. In many countries, most notably in Asia, and the Indian continent.

  2. yes, they are actually losing business due to raised US standards and shifting of jobs to other nations. Outsourcing is really hurting them.

  3. All over the world. They make nike shoes and Parada.

  4. They are all along the U.S.-Mexico border (on the Mexican side) and they are called "maquiladoras".

  5. Have you visited your local gym lately?  The horror!  The horror!

  6. yes

  7. Yes!  China has perhaps 1,500,000 convicts that work in a situation can be called serfdom--at best.  Africa is rife with slave

    labor and forced labor.  Central America has a great number of forced labors--very similar to slaves actually.  In fact more people are probably exploited in the third world--right now, as in today--than where exploited in the entire first world industrial revolution.

  8. yes...and i own all of them

  9. Yes, a lot. More and more, smart consumers are thinking about the people who make the products we buy and the conditions they work in. From the clothing we wear to the toys our children play with, store shelves are stocked with goods made in sweatshops where workers labor in unsafe conditions and are paid wages so low they must struggle to feed and shelter their families. The aisles we shop are lined with products made in factories that exploit child labor and fire and harass workers when they try to improve their lives by forming unions.

  10. Absolutely, and you don't have to go to the 3rd world to find them

  11. visit downtown L.A. in the garment district.... above most of the street shops are sweatshops where women (and some men) work their fingers to the bone producing those fancy clothes you are wearing.... some are reported to even employ illegal immigrants and pay them less than minimum wage.... it isn't pretty.

  12. Of course!  Pick any factory in Asia.

  13. Yes there still are sweatshops. when you demand products that are cheap, then somebody has to make them cheap.  Sweatshops pay below their respective countries' minimum wage at less than ideal conditions. the sweatshops also exist in South and Central America, Eastern Europe and India, China, Vietnam other Asian Countries with Export quotas.

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