
Are there still un charted islands out there?

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and what size would they more than likely be could there still possibly be islands as big a indonesia or ireland or even the philipines




  1. Well, if they are uncharted, that means we don't know about them, so if I said, yes, they do exist, I'd be claiming to know about islands no one else knows of.

    About a week & a half ago, a video was posted on the 'net of an island forming durin a valcanic eruption.  These eruptions happen all the time and some break the surface of the water and some don't.  Any uncharted islands would be new islands such as these, so it is very unlikely that they are of any significant size.

  2. Last year one was found north of Greenland.   It was more of a gravel bar, but had been covered in ice and no one knew it was there.

  3. Probably. Do a Gooagle maps search for them!  It's fun.

  4. The survivors of Lost can answer that but they can't tell you where it is!

  5. It would depend on how you define island.  But yes, the ocean is best viewed as a living and somewhat unpredictable force.  She reveals and covers small land masses often.  Whether you classify them as sand bars, exposed reefs or rocky protrusions or uncharted islands is up to you.

  6. There are probably hundreds of thousands of tiny uncharted islands out there.

  7. I like to think that there are still unexplored islands yes, but if we knew about them they wouldn't be uncharted.

    Because of all the travel, satellites, and other technology that allows us to have a better view of the oceans blue, there is getting to be less and less opportunity for islands to remain unknown. However, due to undersea volcanic eruptions, new islands are forming, so yes, there will one day be new uncharted islands, if only uncharted for an instant.

    I suppose that with less and less of the earth being new to explore, we will need to expand our horizons into the horizons, and begin to chart new planets, moons, and galaxies instead of islands.

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