
Are there such people that teach people other accents?

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If so, what kind of teacher are they and how can i find one.

I need to be taught a scottish, irish, and british accent for acting.





    You'll find a number of British, Irish, and Scottish accent CDs at this site.

    The 25 "patterns" in the "Acting with an Accent" series include the three you're looking for.

  2. well there are speach patholigists but those are usually for people with speech impediments but my mom's friend is one and she teachers accents to the people at our community theatre

  3. you need to find a good dialect coach.  these are the people who professionally teach dialect to actors and singers.  you can also take the less-expensive routes and just listen to a ton of different people speaking in the dialects you are attempting to learn- this was how i acquired my british one and it worked fine- while i was in england, a gent asked to hear it and thought i was pretty good.  this isn't a flawless method and requires a good ear for language nuances, but it is something you can learn to listen for.

    good luck!

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