
Are there such things as barns where you "rent" a horse for one day?

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My mum said that when she was in another country for army work, there were stables that just let you take a horse for the day and do whatever you wanted.

Do they have these in the USA?

I'm opposed to this, any random person can take a horse and go! = /




  1. YES, there sure are!

    One of the problems though with them renting for the whole day and NOT knowing WHO you are, would be some folks just park a truck and trailer at the end of the trail...  Unfortuntely, it's been tried before, but to no advantage...

  2. Yes they do have them in the US.

  3. Yes, they have them in several places that I've been.  Mostly around the larger cities, once you get out into the country a little.  I think most people know that intentionally harming a horse carries much stiffer punishment than harming many other animals.  You want get nearly as much sympathy from a Judge trying to say "The horse scared me so I beat it..." as you would saying, "The big dog looked mean so I hit it with a club..."

  4. Absolutely there are, I can't imagine how the stables get insurance to cover people that are unsupervised and that cannot verify their skill level...poor horses too!  I can see letting someone lease a horse for 2 or 3 hrs to participate in a supervised trail ride, either on the property or on a trail that the leader is familiar with.  I wonder if they make the riders show what they know or just say, "Get on, get oughta here, be back at 5pm."

  5. Yes they do. It is called leasing and you can lease them for a day to the whole year. Just ask your local barn if you can lease a horse for the day. It will cost some money, 50-100, depending on where you live, but it is worth it. You'll have to use your own helmet and pants and stuff like that, but I am pretty sure you can just use the barns tack and equipment. Where I live, you stay in the farm premises, but if you pick the right one, there will be indoor arenas, trails, fields, and everything you could ever wish for. Of course, that would cost a little more. I hope you get to lease one!  

  6. Yes there are these places in the US.  Most are trail barns with many, but cheap horses.  

    Riding schools only do this for their students for shows and stuff like that.

    Unfortunately it is very dangerous as many people 'think they know what they are doing'.  Easy way to get hurt or hurt a large animal. I'm opposed tothis too.

  7. At this website, they lend out horses for a day to a season. I hope this helps.

    But, not any random person can just take it and go. They have to make sure you will take care if it you know. I think it's a good idea because some people can't afford a horse.

  8. Yes, we have them in the USA.

    They are called "hack" stables and horses are rented to "riders" (term used loosely here) by the hour. The rate ranges from $25 to $45 per hour, but will vary by location. Most of these establishments have on site trails to ride on and a great majority require the group to go out with guides.

    It is rare to see places that allow you to go on your own due to insurance and safety reasons.

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