
Are there three main races in the world, Caucasian, Mongolian and Black?

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If so, then what race would Hindu Indians, Arabs and Mexicans belong too?




  1. sorry i can't comment on your question

  2. what about red men Indians? and asians?

    there are more than 3

  3. Negroid




    Hindus are Indo-Aryan (Caucasoid, who live close to the equator)...

    Arabs are semitic (Desert Caucasoid)...

    Mexicans are a combination of (Mongoloid, Negroid & Caucasoid)...

  4. The way I was taught it was Mongolian Negroid and Caucasion.  I have heard that a fourth category was added some time ago, but I am unsure what it was.

  5. nope there is only one race of man on this earth. HUMANS they all have arms legs heads ect ect.

  6. Noah had three sons, Japheth (caucasian) Shem

    (Mongolian) and Ham (black). All others are a mixture of the three.

  7. on my SAT test .. there was about 6 kinds and then an option that said "other" to answer the question what race are you .. soo no i think its more .. i wouldnt no tho ..

  8. Human is the only race. The US government does any number of things that have no reasonable scientific basis, dividing us up by "race" being only one example.

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