
Are there time periods that surfers avoid the water?

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Are there time periods that surfers avoid the water?




  1. Shark mating season?

  2. hurricanes?

    shark attacks?

    middle of the night?

    freezing weather?

    if you have 2 broke legs?

    if your blind?

    or if your a woman and your on the rag-

    that could attract some sharks?

    or if you have explosive direaha!!!?

    thats all i know!

    good luck!

  3. I don't know about "time" periods per se, but we sure as h**l avoid it when the water has been contaminated by a sewage spill!!

  4. Not really.

    Many don't surf that much in the summer(East coast Aus.)

    cause the winds are messed up.

    I've surfed a few times alone after huge storms+2-3 days.

    The surfers usually get exhausted after a coupla big days and then there's solid 4 footers all for yourself....

  5. the day after it rains in an urban area

  6. Lunch time

  7. There are times when the water's too rough to surf, but I think it the time really depends on where you're surfing at

  8. Aside from water quality issues I try to avoid surfing around river mouths or inlets at dusk and dawn, these are when sharks are more actively feeding.

  9. After big rainstorms all of the runoff from the streets makes it's way into the water. This can make you very sick. I've included a link about water quality.

    Also night. Night is a very bad time to surf.

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