
Are there tournaments like the kumite ?

by Guest66660  |  earlier

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Hi erm i was just wondering if there was tournaments like the kumite around the world were fighters can all enter an fight for a cash prize ? or rarther do any martial art tournaments have a cash prize ? if so can you please tell me which countries are the best for tournaments like this , Thanks its appreicated




  1. Since the word "kumite" refers to forms of sparring

    Kumite is the part of karate in which you train against an adversary, using the techniques learnt from the kihon and kata. nothing more, movies like blood sport,  the new  thing is MMA

  2. there are, but you have to have at least one black belt depending on the tourney or you have to get an invitation to enter

  3. If you're talking about the c**p from Bloodsport, then no, there isn't. As for what the first answer was talking about? Still no, there isn't.

    Firstly, to fight in a mixed invitational, there's no ZOMG TEH BLAK BELTZ requirement for a plethora of reasons (not the least of which is how easy it is to buy one of those in three months, these days). Any respectable tournament will have options for differing experience levels.

    There are a lot of invitationals out there with cash prizes, though. That's not entirely uncommon, and you can find them in presumably nearly any country. I've fought in invitationals before, and there was no underground secret agent/toughest guys on earth/people getting punched to death in one shot stuff going on.

    By and large, it's just like any other, except a slightly higher caliber of fighter. Operative word being slightly.

    Oh, and a note to the above guy? 'Kumite' is no reference to sparring. It's simply a term for any kind of fight.

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