
Are there truck driving company that will hire a person with less than 3 months of otr experience?

by  |  earlier

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Here is the problem that I'm running into. I work this company for like 3 to 4 months and I had like 4 minor incident or accidents as the truck driving/ insurance company call them. I have been searching for a job since March 2008 and I keep hearing the same thing, I need to get a year of safe driving in before they will even consider hiring me but how can I get that year in if no one wants to give me the opportunity to prove myself?




  1. sorry to say but your driving ablity is not what trucking companies are looking for you have 4 months experience and 4 accidents,not good,so that means you are not a safety consience driver,its you that needs to be more awear of you driving capabilities,not every one is meant to drive the big should rethink what you want to do for a job because no trucking company will hire you now for atleast 3 years until your driving record clears..thats the way the trucking industry have to know that you can kill some one if you have a really bad day behind the wheel of semi.and this is not what the motoring public wants,or the trucking companies.i have over 2 million safe driving miles and thanks god no accidents my drivers license in 1977 and my cdl in 1985..

  2. First, you need to analyze the cause of each of the "minor" incidents - daytime / nighttime driving, weather,  speed,  freeway vs. surface street locations and any possible distraction factors present.  Ask or obtain from police dept. any written reports on the accidents.

    With as much information in writing, determine if it's possible to drive in conditions not present when you had each incident.  If you can show a new employer how you plan to change / improve your driving habits,  they may be willing to give you a 90 day probation period.

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