
Are there unseen killers in the world?

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i was driving on a freeway behind another car, well back but we were both speeding. we pretty much had that stretch to ourselves. i was in an suv. this person suddenly stomped on his brakes hard. i had to leave the road at 75 mph and it was all i could do to keep from rolling. he sped off while i was temporarily indisposed...are there people that take oppurtunities to try and kill other people when they know that if they succeed they won't be prosecuted and if they don't everyone just goes about their business, like, "that was strange"?




  1. How scary! I do think there are screwy people in the world that cause harm to others- sometimes maybe without even realizing it- just as a prank or to be "funny" It's a wonder to think how many times this has actually happened and whether or not the person who caused it even knows that they did something in the first place (who knows, there could have been an animal in the road... you never know why a person did what they did in a situation like yours)

    So basically I think you just need to watch out for yourself, how about giving more distance between people on the road when you're all alone like that? And watch your speed too- you never know when some po-po is going to come out of nowhere! I'm glad you're ok though- still- how scary!!

  2. yes, just look at the government.

  3. Well there are two different situations here:

    First, I don't think this guy was trying to kill you (It's not a very good plan for a killer to brake and have his own car hit from behind at 75mph and for sure die at impact or burst in flames) , most likely it was a case of "I hate tailgaters" and he wanted to give you ans scare (stupid but some people do that) I'm sure you think you were not tailgating but the fact is that you had to "leave the road" to avoid the car, and that tell anyone that you were going or too fast or too close or both.

    At 75mph you are suppose to keep a distance of 8 cars (SUV in your case).

    Second: But yes there are a lot of psychos that could kill you just for fun or morons who do stupid stuff like firing guns to the air, drunk drivers, or speed junkies, not thinking or caring who might get hurt.

    You think you had bad luck? Read about that drunken loser who decided to drive in opposing direction to traffic for over 10 miles but luck ran out when she hit another car at full speed; the drunk loser died but took an inocent 20 years old mother on her way to work.

  4. is that a question?

  5. serves you right for tailgating.

    Have you learned your lesson...or are you going to inist to drive like that again.

    I friggin LOVE stomping on my brakes as hard as I can If I see a friggin Moron Tailgating. Its hilarious to see the look of total terror in their eyes as they THINK they are about to crash into me.... Really I am flooring my engine again!!!

    It just makes my day !

  6. Unseen killers! are innumerable and variable not only out ward, also brought on by self.

  7. Joe .... uh.... you were dangerously tailgating.  This guy did you a huge favor.  He taught you the danger in tailgating!

    If you learn this lesson, you will become a better driver.  If you don't learn the lesson, you will become a statistic!

    Are you smart enough to learn the lesson?

  8. The uncaring drivers who apparently want to inflict damage on other vehicles and occupants insist upon speeding and refuse to stop at red lights and stop signs.  They refuse to obey traffic laws and seem to drive with the intent to cause death and destruction.

  9. i don't think they do it with the intention of murder but rather with the intention that they could file a lawsuit on a person if they set it up right. The more injured they get, the more money they get, not caring what other reprecussions lie in front of them

  10. Yes, but mostly they take the form of bacteria, disease and viruses.

    Glad you're okay.

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