
Are there vast areas of india where the soil is very acidic?

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Are there vast areas of india where the soil is very acidic?




  1. not exactly

  2. yes there are areas in India where soil is acidic due large use of pesticides and insecticides whose overuse may affect type of soil and make it acidic as well a salaintic in nature

  3. No there are very less areas inIndia where the soil is acidic.

  4. Although soils having pH below 7 are considered to be acidic from the practical standpoint, those with pH less than 5.5 and which respond to liming may be considered to qualify to be designated as acid soils.

    Acid soils occur widely in the Himalayan region, the great eastern plains of extra-peninsular India, the peripheral peninsula and the coastal plains, including the Gangetic delta. They are found to occur on different geological formations under varying physiographical, climatic and vegetational environment. In all these regions the rainfall component of the climate appears to have a dominating influence on the formation of acid soils.

    In humid regions, where rainfall is high, the soluble bases formed in the course of weathering of rocks are leached down and carried away by the drainage waters. The continued leaching of soils results in the replacement of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium ions by hydrogen ions and the formation of acid soils with low pH. In acid soils the dissolution of aluminosilicate minerals occur and the aluminium ions thus released increase the acidity owing to hydrolysis. Similiarly, humus and hydrous oxides contribute to soil acidity at low pH.

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