
Are there waves in Acapulco?

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Are there waves in Acapulco?




  1. Not really, Acapulco is a large bay so there is not much surf.

  2. I got you covered on this one . I live in Acapulco and LOVE watching big waves - dont know why. Ive seen some 6 to 8 footers in the bay of Acapulco but its not common. Usally some 3 or 4 footers are common.

    Want BIG ones - head to Pie de la Cuesta. Catch a bus with pie de la cuesta on it but also " playa Luces " takes about 45 minutes with all the stops and speed humps. It will take you past the air base and drop you off in the middle of nowhere Mexico. I usally grab a couple of cold Coronas and some snacks and head down one of the many ally ways to the beach. What a beach - totally deserated and about 50 yards wide. So deserted you can go naked - no joke. Ive seen waves that were 30 ft. NO JOKE ! Usally / normal is some 15 maybe 20 footers which are pretty d**n big but if your lucky and the Lord is happy you can see some monsters. DO NOT play in em as they could and will kill you. Im a good swimmer and have had some monsters crash on me and I dont play anymore. Gives me a new respect for surfers. I sit there all day and just am blown away by the force. Other thing I like is the sound. ITS LOUD. They come in and you just say " OH **** " and then there is a moment of silence and then they just curl over and crash. I swear all night and into the next day that crash just resonates thru your head. I tried reading but its too d**n loud to concentrate. Once I was able to hear the crash from the main street which is a good quarter mile from the sea.

    Easy to go back up an ally way for more beer and lunch. When your done hop across the street and take a dip in the lagoon to get the salt off of you. Sit at a resturant when your ready to go and drink a beer and look for the green bus to take you back to Acapulco. All buses return to Acapulco.

    Pie de la Cuesta RULES . Magical spot !!!  Enjoy

    I have some good shots / pictures of the waves if you want to see - just e mail me

  3. Yes there are.  They are not so great in the bay area and are quite dangerous a little west in Pie de la Cuesta. (undertow).

    Most surfing is done at Revolcadera by the Acapulco Princess

    out by the airport.

    If its surfing waves you are looking for the best on the west coast are in Puerto Escondito  a couple hundred miles south east

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