
Are there winners and losers in developed countries rather than just developing?

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In terms of international trade and investment?

Please help me guys!! :(




  1. Developed countries have to stay on top of new technology.

    Products go through three stages:  Produced in home country and really expensive; starting to be produced in developing countries still somewhat expensive, and complete production in developing countries for super cheap.

    This means developed countries must perpetually invent new things to stay on top.


    Also there is a significance to what a developed country is buying.  Say for example, the US is in trade deficit with China.  Deficits aren't necessarily a bad thing for a decent return in the long run.  Unfortunately we are investing our deficit into cheap chinese c**p that doesn't last very long.  Our wealth is being squandered on useless items that will not benefit our long run future.  

    Might I also recommend asking this in the Economics section.

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