
Are these Earthquakes a punishment from God for accepting homosexuality, muslims etc?

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Some guy in Isreal thinks so. This is not my opinion!!




  1. What complete and utter rubbish. Some people would believe anything to suit their own prejudices.

  2. he is after the big man GB!

  3. LMAO................this isreali guy sounds like a nutter !!

  4. Who created Muslims do you think? If not the God that you believe in, may the God of the Muslim is resposible I believe.

  5. your mate sounds very odd.

    I dont think so

  6. Maybe, maybe not, I certainly would not try to figure out God's motives or actions.  By this logic however, Paris Hilton must be a prophet or a chosen person, just look at all her rewards.

  7. i think god's trying to get gordon brown

  8. The one last night must only have been warning then.

  9. No, it's geological.


  11. Don't blame God for everything. He made the universe to be self-maintaining and, sometimes, self-destroying (such as volcanoes and earthquakes). Some guy in Israel is a superstitious bigot. On day, God will shake the universe when He reappears. But until then we will have minor and major quakes because of geological processes.

  12. Ab=soul=lootly. God has all the time in the Universe to waste on such things since they did not exist before and now is the time to get them and all the others.

    Grow up!!!

  13. no, the punishment from god is for the israelis to have to constantly fight (and lose) to the palastinians... :D

  14. Sorry I dont know Gordon Brown

  15. Absolutely yes!

  16. No it`s because barnsley beat liverpool.

  17. What an idiot!!!!!

  18. Thanks for the laugh.

  19. No, but earthquakes are a sign that we are in the last days:

    Matthew 24:3,7 says:  While he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples approached him privately, saying: “Tell us, When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?”

    “For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.

  20. No a natural occurrence

  21. im 'shaking' in my boots with fear...........sorry couldnt resist lol

  22. I think God should take action against g**s and Muslims

  23. No it's for the war in Iraq, there were no earthquakes in any other Muslim country but thanks God no one got seriously hurt.  Hope there will be no more earthquakes though.

    It's a natural disaster and natural disasters happen you know.?

    For the few comments down there fascism seems to be acceptable nowadays isn't it?

  24. I believe that all of these calamities are a message to humanity

    to change their greedy ways , and to be more caring for their fellow- man and the world.

  25. I was just about to say grow up lol.

    You always get some sad bigoted idiot spouting their bile it's their 5 minutes of fame.

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