
Are these ORBS or DUST part 2?

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here is more pics of another area of the building. we took a pic of some grafitti and this came up.

they came out in both pics.

pic 1. orb or dust?

pic 2. orb or dust?

pic 3. orb or dust?




  1. I´m sorry, but they are NOT Orbs...

    Well, maybe they are, but i don't think so...

    I'm sure that they are different, because I have seen before some of them in photos... they look different...

    I think that they are dust...

    Mr Google

  2. yes they are.

    you'll know if they arent orbs if they have little specks in them.

    like this.

    this is a fake one..

  3. Where were these taken, what area of the building?

    Pic. 1 there is a possible orbs that I can see.  Ditto on pic. 2.

    You will hear many statements about orbs.  They are NOT just dust balls.  They are however, balls of collected energy.

    They are not necessarily "paranormal" or a sign of spirits or ghosts.

    Don't be discouraged tho as there is NO real scientific evidence to prove that one may be or not be a spirit or ghost.

    Keep taking pics., & don't be discouraged about some of the answers you will get here.  :-)

  4. The second and third may have one orb, maybe the same one. The theres are just dust.

  5. In all 3 pictures, it's dust particles.

    Look at the area of the graffiti.

    Especially if you're the one behind the art work with chalk.

    The floor area seems to have dry evidence of a white powder that collects near the graffiti.

    That too causes dust.

    The bright white light was either caused by the flash, or there is a large chunk of dust on the lens of the camera.

  6. 1.Dust


  7. Those are all flash reflections off small particles in the air. Orbs are the poor man's fraudulent substitute for ghost evidence.

  8. Could be dust, could be moisture in the air.

    What is the top layers of the wall made out of? The bright spot in the second picture could even be light reflecting off something if it's a mix of stone. Like if it contains any bits of crystal or mica in it.

  9. all three pics look like dust or rain or moisture droplets.  there is a true orb near the top of the brick wall on pic three.

  10. Pic 1=Dust

    Pic 2&3= Possible orbs

    Dust particles "usually" have a circle in the middle of them.

    *I have never seen a dust particle in a photo that was as brite as the ones in pics 2 and 3.


  11. all three pics are of dust orbs

  12. Did you see it with your naked eye? If not then NO it is not an orb. Paranormal investigates take pictures for orbs b/c it pitch dark and for proof, not in daytime to catch reflections of dust on camera.

    So keep in mind, unless you witness with your own naked eye, an illuminated ball of light, then no it is definitely not an orb, under not condition, ifs, and, or but.

  13. All are reflections of the flash on motes of dust or some other small floating or suspended matter. It happens all the time.

    A perfectly natural phenomenon in all cases and nothing "supernatural" about it.

    MeanKitty: How can you determine that "two orbs are moving together" from a STILL picture?

    The case for "orbs" doe not hold up scientifically. You cannot have a source of energy that is both invisible yet also visible at the same moment.  Energy must have a source.

    A light bulb is, a physical source of energy producing light. A light bulb, a candle or the sun does not appear only when being photographed then disappear when being looked at by the naked eye.

    The flash attachment on your camera is a source of light, it is the only source of light that can be seen in these pictures, as these "orbs"  were not visible until you used the flash, ergo -- what you see are reflections FROM a source of light (the flash), but not a source of light itself.

  14. All the orbs are dust or other particles reflecting camera flash. There is no thing as a spirit orb, nevertheless a spirit, so they have to be dust or a speck on the camera lens.

  15. Did you take any others pictures in the area that did not have ords in them. Do you have other picture that were taken around the same time without the orbs?

    Is the location known for its high energy of spirit activity?

    Did people perish at that site?

  16. Years ago when I first heard about orbs and lived in a home that had a lot of unexplainable activity I started taking tons of pictures.  I was so excited to find orbs in them.  One day I took one in the crawlspace and saw hundreds of them.  Now I can laugh about it but it scared me half to death at the time.  After hundreds of pictures I finally figured out it was nothing but dirt or drops of moisture in the air.   As a rule I never save an "orb" picture unless I have some other kind of corroborating evidence.   The spots where you see two that appear to be moving together are a little harder to explain.  You do have one of those in one of your pictures.

  17. All three of them are orbs and I'll tell you why. Look at the positions the orbs are in. The position changes. It can't be dust, because dust sticks to a surface and wouldn't move. it would stick to the camera lense and stay there in all 3 photos. And if you wiped off your lense, there'd be no dust,

  18. Laser pointer. Get real. Try a little harder.

  19. Clean your lens.

  20. I cannot believe the answers here. All three pictures are dust. I thought  the belief in spirit orbs had gone away, I guess I was wrong.  

    I thought I would see what this section was about and apparently it is just another Mythology section placed in the Science and mathematics section.

    If you are familiar with Troy Taylor buy his latest version of his Ghost Hunters guidebook he has the last word on orbs in that book.

    I used to get upset with how he used to talk about sloppy ghost hunters but the more I see and hear the more I understand his choice of words even though I still find them harsh words.

  21. They are round and orbs are round, so in that way yes. The real question is what do you percieve the cause of these orbs to be?

  22. can i ask where in the world did you take those pics i seen orbs in all of your pictures

  23. they are the spirits of dust that has passed to the other side

  24. 3rd picture is what i saw once but smaller it could be

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