
Are these baby names good?

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Ever since i was young, i wanted a boy and two girls. Now that i am pregnant, how do you like these names?? My hubbie and i cant decide!

Boy: Graham

Girl: Alexa

Girl: Riley




  1. I like Riley

  2. I like them

  3. riley is good

  4. I adore all of these names. =)

  5. no......go with a unique name

  6. all the above

  7. love all the first names

    for middle names, it really depends on your last name.

  8. Graham Carson

  9. I like Graham, but I feel Riley is overrated. So many parents are naming there kids Riley. Alexis is cute as someone said already cute twist on Alexis.  

  10. I am not sure about graham..and riley sounds good for a boy than a girl.. ... And Alexa is good, but you probably need to add a second name for it... for example alexa marie, alexa lynn or Alexa Ellesse. good luck in choosing name for your baby...

  11. Graham is okay but don't like Alexa and Riley.

  12. I like Graham

    Alexa is okay, but I prefer Alexis.

    I really really dislike Riley for a girl, to me it sounds boyish.

  13. I think they are great name. Adorable and easy to pronounce, I'd say use them. Since you only have one boy name I'm assuming your asking which girl name you should use? I'd say wait until she's born, sometimes one name suits your baby better than the other.

  14. In theory, the all have nice sounds. But personally, I would never name a child something that could be compared to a cracker.  

    Why not take the ideas of the names and use different names.

    Like Grant instead of Graham.

    Alexandria instead of Alexa

  15. i love the name alexa, cute twist on the very common alexis! I never thought of Riley for a girl, I'm used to hearing it for a boy, but it would fit for a girl as well. I'm not sure about Graham though, but that is just personal opinion.

    My sister just had twins and named them Emma and Ethan... two of my favorite names!

  16. I love the name Graham.

    for the girl i like that you chose Riley. I mostly hear it on boys, but I think it would sound nice on a girl. I think Alexa is also nice, but it has been way over done, and is becoming very popular now.


  17. I love them all except for Scott James.

    Graham Alexander and Alexa Mae are my favorites, but I love Riley Ann too.


  18. Alexa is too common or too short, you changed it to Alessandra... Riley, is a cool name.. It is usually for boys, but its a nice name for a girl.. You can use that a nickname though.. you better add something to it to make it more female..maybe Rhianna Leeane, Richelle, Rochelle, or etc.. I am not sure abour graham... its sound more of the cracker than a name.. maybe graile, rayne, giovani..

  19. I like Graham and Riley (never thought to use it for a girl.. but I love it).. whatever you choose I'm sure it will be perfect.. Congrats & Good Luck. xo

  20. Graham's cute, but Alexa's too common and Riley's a boy's name.

  21. Alexa is good, Graham is okay, and i think you can do better than the name Riley for the girl

  22. I really like Graham and Alexa, but I don't really care for Riley.

  23. I prefer Alexa out of all of them. Riley is also cute. Graham is not to my liking, but that is just my opinion.

  24. Graham is very cute, i had a dog named that... Now Alexa is becoming way to common now and days, but Riley for a girl is awsome!! Really very cute...

  25. Graham (Old English means "gravel area, gray homestead"), not too appealing.

    Riley (Irish, means "courageous") is a very rare female first name, sounds better for your son.

    Alexa is a variant of Alexandra(Greek-"defender") and is a popular female first name, and very pretty.

  26. Riley for a girl sounds too careless. Give her a name she can be proud of. Alexa works. You have 9 months to think about it.

  27. Scott Graham? ---9

    Alexa mae ----8 (i like alexa, but mae could be better)

    riley ann ----7.5 its cute but it sounds like one name Riley-ann y'kniw what i mean?

    scott james ---- 6 idk it just doesnt roll off the tongue.

    james graham? --- 8 rolls better?

  28. I don't like Graham- it isn't very common for children and I am just not very keen on it. Alexa is lovely, I slightly prefer Alexis but I still love alexa too. It has a really nice sound to it and is a very pretty name that will grow gracefully from a cute little kids name to an adults. I actually surprised myself by loving Riley.It is quite unusual but is so cute, I'm not sure if I can imagine an adult with this name but it is really classy and when put with a last and middle name could suit an adult too and could be beautiful! Alexa Riley is really nice. So for me, I would consider some other boy's names but after all, Graham is a name you like and you should go for it. I actually think something like Graham James would be kind of cute. What other boys names have you thought about? What is the sort of thing you like? And I also am surprising myself by choosing Riley over Alexa but they are both such lovely names. Hope this helps! x

  29. The girls names aren't bad, but the boy's name...that's another story.  I would definitely feel sorry for him in school.  

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