
Are these bad results?

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i got my gcse's today and im REALLY disapointed i got

science - B

additional science - B

english - B

Maths - B

P.e. - C

English lit - C

History - D

Business Studies -D

Art - D

and R.e - E

are they terrible?

if you took yours this year what did you get?




  1. I don't think their bad at all.

    To be honest, That's probably gunna be my results (:


  2. they are not bad at all!

  3. well i can't say they're good.

  4. they are average but my cousin and i got all A*

  5. not bad at all mate well done. don't worry about art and re there kinda pointless lol

  6. there not errible but i think u had higher hopes thats why ur dissapointented

  7. I did mine this year and got..


    English Lit-B









    Your grades aren't terrible. I mean, you know yourself they're not top grades but you can still go to sixth form and do A levels or whatever you want.

    Don't worry about it and just concentrate on next year.

  8. well your above average... i got mine..





    food tech-c


    exercise and sport studies-c


  9. Hey

    Cheer up.

    There are no such thing as bad results. The bad thing is to feel bad.

    I left school with 2 O Levels way back. The School Head made me believe that I was a failure. I did feel that for some years. But eventually I progressed at work and soon became a manager before I retired. Work and its associated evil - qualifications- is an ongoing process. You have the chance to continue study throughout your life.

    For the time being just congratulate yourself for having worked at the course. Be thankful you have the chance to study at all - many on this planet do not.

    Now go out and buy yourself a pint and celebrate. !!

  10. Not bad at all - there are people with about six E's wishing they had that tally.

    I got: 3 A*s - English Language, Chemistry & French;

    5 A's - Maths, Media, Literature, Biology, Physics;

    2 B's - 1/2 RE, Statistics.

  11. No they're good results. The main thing is you performed well in the subjects that matter (Science, Maths and English) and you have enough grades to go on to college or 6th form.


  12. i think they're rely good, also in most corses you need 5 A* - Cs so yh,, they're good

    i got:

    1A*- maths

    1A - business studies

    4B - child development, re, english language, science

    4C - statistics, additional science, art, english literature

  13. They not bad

  14. They're not awful, but they're not gr8!

    Clearlt if ur dissappointed u didnt do as well as you could have, but i wudnt worry too much!

    I got 6A*s, 5As, and 1B

    I was so pleased - i still csnt believe i did so well!

  15. Not at all if your done your best then they are brilliant! Well done.

  16. you have brilliant marks in all the subjects that are really important to future employees (science, english, maths)

    if you tried your best, then you should be very proud of yourself! congratulations!

  17. They look fine to me.


    English Art and ICT was A stars.

    Chem was a B. RE was U. Rest was As.

  18. Well you passed in maths science and english so just be happy you passed in them I guess.

    answer my question too please !  (kind of similar)

  19. Not badd..omg good!!

    Heres what I got!

    English Lit: A*

    English Lang: A

    Maths: A

    Biology: A

    Physics: A

    Chemistry: A*

    Textiles: A

    RE: A

    PE: B

    Business: A, B

  20. dont long as you get c and are allowed to carry the subjects on...and you can study things related...not bad at all

    i got As and A*s.

    you hav room for improvement....but you haven't failed by a long shot!!

    well done! x

  21. Well Done!

    I got:

    A* Religious Studies

    A French

    A Spanish

    A ICT

    A English

    A English Literature

    A History

    B Maths

    C Science

    C Additional Science

    1A*, 6 As, 1 B, 2 Cs

    I thank God! To God be the glory!

  22. trust me, after today - those are great results.

    I was so disappointed I got:

    2 A

    4½ B

    3½ C

    I don't even know if I can get into my school sixth form now.

  23. You got passes in the important subjects, Maths, english and science it doesnt matter what you got in anything else, its by far enough to go to college so dont worry!

  24. Its really not that bad at all i would kill to get those results im on e's and d's and would kill to get at least one B  

  25. no they're not terrible i got my results today but dont be worried about what other people think. I always say just do your best b/c then if you do wrong atleast you can say i did my best!(cheesy i know :D) Good Luck in the future, im sure you'll be fine!

  26. No they aren't terrible!

    I got:

    Media Studies - A*

    English Language - A

    English Literature - A

    Maths - A

    Biology - A

    Chemistry - A

    Physics - A

    Spanish - A

    Art & Design - B

    P.E - B

    R.E - D
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